“I can offer something,” Alice said.

“Good. If you’re lucky and accomplish what you set out to do, then you’ll need gold for the return. Leprechaun gold,” he said, taking a few steps back. “Once you pay the ferryman gold, then your offering and the soul you seek will return.”

“Where are we going to get leprechaun gold?” Carol asked.

The Oaken King’s consigliere returned carrying a burgundy wool felt pouch with gold string. The pouch jingled as he approached.

“You may have some as part of our arrangement. Two pieces per person. The ferryman’s price to return from the land of the dead.” The Oaken King opened the bag and presented it to Alice.

“And if I don’t pay?” Alice asked.

“Then you will never get your offering back. Anyone who pays with their soul will turn to dust and ash,” the Oaken King said.

She withdrew four pieces of gold and placed them in her coat pocket. Another hand reached into the bag, an older hand—Oliver’s hand. He withdrew more pieces of gold.

“Take these,” he said, stuffing them into Alice’s coat pocket. “You don’t want to be short.”

“Then it is agreed upon,” the Oaken King said. He walked off toward the tree line behind him. “Follow me.”

Chapter 19

The Final Trial

“Who’s he?” Alice’s reflection asked.

“Thaddeus, there’s a way out,” Hugo said as he sat up.

“Who’s Thaddeus?” Alice’s reflection asked. “What’s going on? Talk to me.”

“Come here,” Thaddeus yelled as he reached down and yanked Hugo by the shirt.

Hugo’s body weight was no match for Thaddeus’ burly might as Hugo went flying up to his feet.

“Thaddeus, listen. Alice is coming to rescue us,” he said.

“Plans changed. Your little stunt did not work, so I made a deal to ensure my survival,” Thaddeus replied.

Hugo’s heart skipped a beat. “What are you talking about? What did you do?”

“First, no more communication,” Thaddeus said.

“Hugo, what’s happ?—”

Thaddeus slammed his boot into the mirror, silencing Alice’s reflection. The mirror spider-webbed as it shattered into pieces.

“What are you doing?” Hugo asked as he moved to stop Thaddeus.

Thaddeus grabbed him by the shirt and slammed Hugo into the wall. He placed his arm up and leaned his body weight into Hugo, pinning him. Hugo struggled to free himself, but Thaddeus was far too strong. He stomped on the mirror until the entire silver reflection was shattered into small pieces and the back of the mirror exposed.

“We tried your way,” Thaddeus said. “It did not work out. You lost. Now, I am doing it my way. For my own survival.”

“You coward. Help is on the way.”

Thaddeus snarled at Hugo, baring his teeth. “Survival is the name of the game. I am getting out of here one way or another. You managed to upset her. I convinced her you would be converted through the final trial in exchange for my freedom. I plan on delivering.”

Hugo narrowed his eyes, malice coursing through his thoughts. He wasn’t about to let Thaddeus beat or convert him. After all, he was a vampire, and if it was a display of teeth Thaddeus wanted, it’s what Thaddeus would receive.

“My, what big teeth you have. Unfortunately, mine are bigger,” Hugo growled.