“Point received. I wouldn’t recommend it again.”

They both laughed.

“I see your sense of humor is still there,” she said.

“Yeah, it’s still there,” Hugo muttered. “I’m still a vampire, you know. I have the fangs.”

“Vampires can be fun.”

“I know. I’m surprised she’s still able to walk after our last . . . umm. . . fun night.”

“You’re nasty,” Alice’s reflection said in a playful voice.

“What? I’m speaking the truth. When I get out of here, it’s going to be a marathon weekend. Both of us.”

“I look forward to it.”

Hugo paused. He licked his lips. There was something he wanted to say, but he didn’t want to sour the moment. He had to say it. He would regret not saying it should anything happen.

“I want you to know something,” Hugo said.


“I want you to know I love you and her. Please tell her.”

“She knows. I know. We both love you too. She’s willing to risk her soul to damnation for you. You can tell her yourself when you see her again.”

“She isn’t a good witch or a bad witch, but a great witch.”

The door to the bathroom flew open. Thaddeus stood in the entryway, his eyebrows furled into fierce anger. “So, this is how you’re communicating!”

Chapter 18

In The Hall of the Oaken King

“Ladies and gentleman,” a voice called from the blinding light.

Alice struggled to see who was calling out from the light, but she shielded her eyes from the blinding rays. She couldn’t even make out Max, the Raskins, or Ez. Her broomstick, which was right next to her moments before, was gone—washed out in the brilliant light.

“Are we dead?” Oliver asked.

“Welcome to the land of plenty,” the voice spoke again.

“Yeah, I think we’re dead,” Oliver added.

“You are not dead,” the voice replied. “You are very much alive. More alive than you’ve ever been. You are fortunate to be in his presence. Welcome to the land of pleasure. The land of sustenance. The land of eternal summer. Welcome to Midsummer, the realm of the illustrious Oaken King.”

Dark figures emerged as the light faded. Alice’s eyes struggled to adjust, taking a moment for her new surroundings to come into view. She blinked a few times, trying to focus, but everything remained hazy.

A shadow drew closer to Alice. She took a step back, lowering her right arm, her fingers poised and ready to conjure a ball ofpurple arcane energy. Her left hand raised to her eyebrows to allow her eyes to adapt.

“Fear not,” a deeper voice said. “For it is a great honor to be amongst the land of the fairies. We mean you no harm.”

Alice relaxed her hand.

“You are our guests. Welcome,” the voice said.

The world came into view. Standing before Alice was a tall, lanky, dark-skinned man with curly black hair. His face displayed a chiseled perfection with sharp cheekbones and a well-defined jawline. His eyes smoldered in a seductive glare, aided by a dark eyeliner. He wore illustrious, multicolored silk robes open enough to expose his bare chest. He was lean, yet muscular. Commanding, yet welcoming. Handsome and beautiful weren’t enough to describe his overwhelming appearance.