“Yes. The founder of Newbury Grove. He said she’s a banshee, and she’s trying to turn him. It’s in the book. It’s called the wail of the banshee. A soul can be corrupted into a ghoulish figure bound to the banshee’s commands.”

“How is she doing this?”

“She’s a witch too, but there’s more. Hugo mentioned she had a book. A black book. She transformed the realm with it. Ithink she has a copy of The Book of the Dead. I think these two books are calling to each other. My copy has been pulsating like a beacon, signaling to something. Hugo said she’s using her book to build up an army. Turning him was the key to her escaping.”

Ez fixated on a rug placed in the center of her office. She rested her index finger on her chin as if she were deep in thought. “He said banshee?” she asked.

“Yes. And there’s more.”

Ez turned her attention to Alice. “What else is there?”

“There is another witch in Newbury Grove,” Alice said.

“There aretwo witches?” Oliver asked.

“Madame Sophia,” Alice answered.

“The fortune teller from the festival?” Carol responded.

Alice glanced over to Carol. “Yes.”

“How did I not know there was another witch there?” Ez asked.

Alice turned her attention back to Ez. “Madame Sophia is a member of the Coven of the Watch.”

“The Coven of the Watch?” Ez said, taking a step backward as if to catch herself from falling over. “They’re in Newbury Grove? She mentioned Coven of the Watch by name?”

Alice nodded.

“The Coven of the Watch was set up many years ago. They’re the last line of defense against sinister forces piercing the veil and turning the mortal realm into a hellish nightmare.”

“Is it a good thing or bad thing she’s there?” Oliver asked.

“Depends on your definition of good,” Ez replied. “If they make their presence known, then it must be dire.”

“She’s masquerading as a spiritual, metaphysical shop owner. She hid in plain sight,” Alice answered. “She helped me make contact with someone.”

“Hugo?” Ez asked.


“Our Elizabeth?” Oliver asked.

“She told me Hugo was in trouble, and we must help him. I tried to contact him again, but he didn’t answer. However, he was able to communicate with my reflection in my mirror. I tried to pull him through, but something stopped him. I couldn’t see much, but it was a cloaked figure with a fiery sword,” Alice explained.

“Can you contact her again?” Carol asked.

“It was sort of a one-time thing,” Alice explained.

The Raskin’s faces fell with dejection and sadness as if they had experienced her dying all over again.

“She wants you to know she loves everyone and she’ll see you again one day,” Alice quickly added.

The Raskins smiled as they held hands and glanced at each other.

Ez rubbed her chin. Her drawn-on eyebrows pulled up in deep thought. “So, what do you plan on doing?”

“I’m going to go get him,” Alice said. “But I need your help.”