Page 48 of Just My Luck

Her kiss was hot and hungry. Our tongues teased and tasted as they slid over one another. My hand moved from her back to her ass, and I squeezed.

Sloane broke the kiss, leaned back, sat on her heels, and panted. “Holy fuck.”

My eyes darted away, ashamed that I had finally snapped and gone too far. “I’m sorry.”

She laughed and my eyes flew to hers. “Sorry? Well, I’m not.” Her hand brushed across her collarbone as she steadied her breath. “Holy hell that was hot.”

Sloane stood, slightly dazed from our kiss. She looked down at me, still planted on my knees, and plucked my hat from my head before planting it on her own. “I need a lemonade or a shot of whiskey or something. Want one?”

Without waiting for my reply, she sauntered up the back steps and disappeared into the house.



I’d kissedthe fuck out of Abel, and my body was screaming to do it again. I’d wanted to do that ever since this morning when I’d awoken to find his rock-hard cock pressed against my ass as he cuddled me.

Did I pretend to be sleeping andever so slightlyrock my hips back to feel more of it?

You’re goddamned right I did.

Bracing my hands against the counter, I hung my head and tried to breathe.

What in the actual hell?

Sure, I had been tempted and grabbed him for a kiss, butdamn. Abel made no qualms about taking control and absolutely owning me with that kiss. My clit thrummed and my nipples ached with unmet need.

My legs scissored, and I internally groaned once I realized I would definitely be needing a new pair of panties after that kiss. I glanced out the window to see Abel hunched over the garden bed and violently pulling weeds. He sat back with a sigh and raked his fingers through his tousled hair.

I giggled and pulled his hat from my head to fan myself. It was his own damn fault. How was I supposed to resist a sweaty,well-built man gardening in a backward hat? I was given zero choice and certainly did not regret that kiss.

My only hesitation was that, given the fucked-up state of my life, sleeping with Abel was for sure a terrible idea.

But oh my god it would be fun to roll around in the dirt with him.

I glanced at the kitchen clock and sighed. The twins would be finished with day camp in less than an hour, and the last thing they needed was to be confused about what was happening between Abel and me. As far as they knew, Abel and I were just friends.

I toyed with my lip and let myself daydream about his using all that masculine energy to thrust inside me while calling me his wife. My pussy fluttered and I gripped the counter.

Seriously. Get your shit together, Sloane.

I grabbed a glass from the cabinet before moving to the sink and guzzling lukewarm tap water. It did nothing to quell the fire that was building in my gut. I wanted Abel. Like,reallywanted him.

Logically, I knew sex would only complicate and confuse things, but it had been so long, and living in his home was harder than I could have imagined. It was torture enough that he was quietly domestic and kind to my kids, but he smelled so damn good to boot.

When movement caught my eye, I jumped into action. Before Abel could enter the house, I set my glass into the sink and headed down the hall toward the primary bedroom.

I waved and called over my shoulder. “I need to get the kids in a bit. I’m taking a quick shower to clean up.”

Hurrying, I escaped behind the bedroom door and tucked myself away in the en suite bathroom. Beyond the french doors, the garden mocked me. I pulled the drapes closed and turned on the water in the steam shower.

Stripping off my shorts and tee, I then pulled my hair free from its ponytail. With the water barely warm, I stepped under the spray and sighed.

In the safety of the shower, I let myself wonder what kind of lover Abel might be. Tender or rough? Demanding or slow and teasing? What would it feel like to have a man his size hover over me? I knew he was a good kisser and could only imagine what it would feel like to have his hands on me.

My nipples pinched into sharp points as I closed my eyes and pretended my touch was his.

God, I bet his dick is huge.