Page 85 of Just This Once

I smiled and hoped it didn’t wobble at the edges. “The children in this town are lucky to have you. Thanks again, ladies.”

I stepped away from the front of the room to keep my emotions in check.

Tootie placed her hand on my elbow. “Before you go, there’s one more thing.” She looked to her right. “Bug, the floor is yours.”

Bug King, always strong and proud, stepped forward. When we locked eyes, her quick nod sent surprise running through me. “At our last meeting the Bluebirds took a vote, and it was unanimous. We would like to extend an invitation to officially join the Bluebird Book Club.”

Shock was the only emotion that registered, followed swiftly by overwhelming gratitude. I looked around as the women smiled at me. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Say you’ll bring the rum punch next time!” Lark Sullivan called from the back, and laughter bounced through the book club.

I laughed alongside them, feeling the tears sting the corner of my eyes. “It’s an honor. Thank you.”

My chin wobbled and I took a reassuring breath.

“Well, now that that’s settled, you can sit down.” Bug gestured with her chin. “We need to figure out how to get Stumpy Larson a wife so he stops messing up our Matchmaker’s Gala.”

I bit back a smile and scurried back to my spot next to MJ. I didn’t know how long it would last, but for tonight, I was a Bluebird.



After meeting with the Bluebirds,I was drained.

Wallowing alone in my apartment like a miserable troll held a certain appeal, but more than anything I wanted to get lost in the warm comfort of Whip’s embrace. I needed to confide in him about my call with Principal Cartwright, so after the meeting I hastily tapped out a quick text to him.

Book club just ended. Interested in some company?


Been waiting on you all night.

A girl could get used to a man like Whip waiting on her. Desire, hot and intense, swirled with longing inside me.

On my way!

After a quick stop at my apartment to grab a change of clothes, I eagerly made my way to his house. The drive down his winding road had become a familiar comfort. As soon asmy car dipped below the canopy of the trees that lined his long driveway, I was safe.

True to his word, Whip was waiting—sitting in one of the Adirondack chairs on his front porch, in bare feet and jeans. I stepped from my car, and he stood, a bright smile on his face. Tears burned the backs of my eyelids as I took him in. Whip was strong and sexy andmine.

“Hungry?” he called out. “I have dinner if you are.”

I smiled, but my stomach tightened as I climbed the porch stairs. We came together, like it was the most natural thing in the world, and I melted into his embrace. My fingertips dug at his T-shirt as I gripped him tighter.

Whip looked down at me. “Hey, what is it? This isn’t still about your dad?” His fingertip brushed a lock of hair away from my eyes, and insecurities danced over his handsome features. “I plan to talk with him––I just need to find the right time. We’re going to figure this out.”

I swallowed and shook my head. “No, it’s not that. Like I said, he’s surprisingly okay with it all. He was texting random capybara memes today, acting like nothing ever happened. He’s good.”

His eyebrows shot up. “Is that right?”

I buried my face into his chest, hoping to steal his warmth. “I mean, sure, he wasn’tthrilledabout the sneaking-around part, but it seems like he’s willing to be an adult about it.”

Whip’s hug tightened. “I’d still like to talk to him, if that’s okay with you.”

I looked up and smiled. “Of course.”

He dropped a kiss on the top of my head. “Come on. Let me feed you.”