Page 85 of Covert Mission

The other four cops nodded in agreement.

“You’re doing all you can within the confines of the law.” Teagan wrapped her hand around Seth’s. “That’s all you can do.” If, however, they worked for Fortress, those bonds would be loosened, at least outside US borders.

Seth squeezed her hand, then turned to the others. “Who’s taking the first shift?”

“I will,” Marsh said. “I’m too keyed up to sleep, anyway.”

“I’m with Marsh,” Bowen said. “Who’s up next?”

After a short debate, they decided Noah and Knight would take the last watch of the night.

“All right,” Seth said. “Teagan and I will take first watch tomorrow night, followed by Noah and Violet. After that, we’ll handle watch assignments as we go along.”

When everyone agreed to the plan, Seth sent Teagan and Violet ahead to choose a room to share.

Teagan returned a moment later. “Will anyone care if we take the main bedroom with the attached bath?”

Seth smiled. “Can’t imagine why you don’t want to share a bathroom with five men.”

“Ha ha.”

“It’s fine, babe. I was going to suggest that, anyway. Noah and I will share a room. The rest of you decide who scores a room for himself.”

Knight pointed at Marsh. “I nominate him for the solo room.”

Teagan blinked. “Why?”

“He snores like a chain saw.”

Marsh scowled. “Hey, that’s a lie.”

The other four detectives laughed. “You know it’s true,” Knight said. “Why do you think we always had you doing night watch on ops?”

“Yeah, yeah. Give me a break, will you? In fact, just go to bed and get out of my hair.”

Everyone scattered to their rooms except Teagan and Seth. Violet went to the main bedroom and closed the door, leaving Teagan to join her when she was ready.

“Care to join me for a circuit around the compound?” Seth asked. “I want a look at the security around the camp at night.”

“Sure. I’m betting there won’t be much to see, though. I haven’t been impressed with what I’ve observed to this point.”

Seth glanced at Marsh. “We’ll return soon.”

“Watch your backs.”

They set a leisurely pace to study the security as they walked the perimeter of the compound. Teagan frowned the further they walked. Too many pools of darkness for good security here. Lighting was sparse. Very few cameras with large blind spots. This was a perfect setup for infiltration if Artemis breached the compound.

As they walked, she and Seth encountered four guards who watched them with suspicion as they passed their positions. No one challenged them or asked why they were walking around at night. They startled awake one man charged with protecting the compound.

If Maddox caught or heard about one of the Fortress operatives sleeping on a job, the operative would be fired immediately. She wondered if this was the quality of soldiers throughout the camp. If so, they were lucky the enemy or the feds hadn’t picked them off before now.

Made her wonder if Richardson was in charge of training the guards. If so, he was doing a lousy job. And this was the guy who wanted to take over leadership of The Brotherhood?

Throughout their circuit, Seth kept his hand wrapped around Teagan’s. Although he looked relaxed and absorbed in Teagan, his gaze never stopped scanning the area. Neither did hers.

When they finished, Seth paused at the front door of their quarters and bent to brush his lips over hers. “Thanks for coming with me, Teagan.”

“I enjoy walking or running.” She cupped his cheek. “You understand.”