She shuddered, memories long buried resurfacing with a vengeance after the mention of that one word. What kind of punishment could those who disobeyed expect?
“You finished?” Seth eyed Thing 1 as though watching a snake.
A slight nod.
“Good. Here’s how this is going to go. You stay out of my way and away from my team. If you get in our faces for any reason, you won’t like the result. My team answers to me and no one else. Period. I’ve already informed your bosses about how we work. They accepted our leadership structure. Your friends deserved the embarrassment they got this afternoon. They should have expected that I’d send my men to scout the area before I brought in my entire unit, especially my woman. Your friends should have known they were being hunted and taken evasive action immediately. Instead, they laid in the dirt and trees with their eyes to the scope and forget rule number one in enemy territory. Situational awareness. Your friends are lucky they aren’t dead.”
Fury burned in the depths of Thing 1’s eyes. “You’ll pay for what you did.”
“So much for this militia being a close-knit family,” Noah drawled. “Fair warning, kid. You might not watch each other’s backs, but we do. If you make the mistake of taking on one of us, you’ll take us all on and lose.”
“Let’s get on with the tour,” Seth said curtly. “I have other things I’d rather be doing tonight with Teagan than taking a tour in the dark because you and your buddies got your feelings hurt.”
Thing 1 flicked a glare at Teagan before pivoting on his heel and striding from the house without another word.
Seth signaled the rest of his team to follow Thing 1, then brought up the rear with Teagan, locking the door behind them.
“Think the antagonism was wise?” Teagan whispered.
“We can’t appear weak. They’ll pick us off and move in for the kill.”
A group of men watched their progress across the compound, paying special attention to Teagan and Violet.
Seth noticed the interested looks and wrapped his arm around Teagan’s shoulders, tugging her close to his side.
Amusement filled her. “Maybe we should get you a shirt that says ‘She’s mine. Hands off.’”
“Only if you wear a shirt that says ‘Seth’s property. Touch her and die.’”
She laughed. “Deal.”
As more groups of men stopped and stared at her and Violet as they walked through the compound, Seth muttered, “I’m definitely buying those shirts.”
“You should order similar shirts for Noah and Violet. He’s aggravated with the interest in her.”
“Noah,” Seth said.
His partner stopped and turned, fury glittering in his eyes. “What?”
“Ice it down.”
“I’d like to ice them down permanently,” he groused. “What’s their problem?”
“Do you see many women walking around the compound?”
“There you go.”
“They can’t have mine.”
Violet’s eyes widened.
“Or mine,” Seth said. “Even if I don’t like it, looking is allowed.”
“As long as they don’t touch.”
“The ladies can take care of themselves if we’re not around to run interference.”