Page 8 of Covert Mission

“Part of the process.”

“I’m aware. Doesn’t mean it’s pleasant to be on this side of the interview process.”

“Do you interview people in your line of work?”

Interview was a pleasant word for what she and her teammates did. They interrogated subjects if the need arose. “Sometimes.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t have time to ask you for a date.”

“You’ll get another opportunity.”

“Will you accept?”


“Do you mind dating a cop?”

“Do you mind dating a woman working in black ops?”

“Nope. Actually, it’s good to know you can take care of yourself if I’m not around and that you’ll have my back if I need it. I’ll still worry about your safety, Teagan. That’s who I am, and I won’t apologize for it.”

Some of the tension wracking her body eased from Teagan’s muscles. “You sound as though you’re planning to keep me.”

“You bet I am. My mama didn’t raise a fool. I know an excellent woman when I see one, and baby, that’s you.”

Another knock sounded on the door and the doctor entered the room with a nurse who carried a stitch tray. “Ready to have this cut treated, Detective Dixon?”

“The sooner, the better, Doc. I have plans with this beautiful woman.”

The physician glanced at Teagan. “Do you want to step outside into the corridor?”

“She stays,” Seth said firmly. “Teagan’s tough. She can handle watching me get a few stitches.”

“If you get dizzy, ma’am, please sit before you fall on my patient or on the floor.”

“I’ll be fine.” She and her teammates had stitched each other’s wounds plenty of times on missions, even though Violet was the Artemis team’s medic.

“Where would you like to go to dinner?” Seth murmured as the doctor worked on his injury.

“When you feel up to it, how does Stone River sound?”

He smiled. “Steak and potatoes.”

“Absolutely. A girl has to eat, you know.”

“My kind of woman.”

Throughout the next few minutes, Teagan kept Seth’s attention focused on her by asking questions about his favorite books, movies, and television series. By the time the doctor finished her work, Teagan had learned that Seth loved anything filled with action, despised cozy mysteries, and enjoyed Mexican food more than any other.

The doctor tugged off her gloves. “All right, Detective. You’re all set. I’d like you to stay around for an hour until we get your CT scan results. If the scan is clear, you’ll be free to go home.”

“Thanks, Doc.”

The doctor and nurse left.

Seconds later, another knock sounded on the door, and Seth’s partner Noah walked in. His gaze fell on their entwined hands. His eyebrows rose. “You’ve been holding out on me, Seth. So, what did the doc say about you, partner?”

“I’ll live.”