Page 78 of Covert Mission

“Then why aren’t they answering my message?”

“You obviously know where they set up with their weapons. Go check on them and see what’s going on for yourself.”

Peters nodded at Richardson, then his gaze slid to Teagan. “Take Dixon’s woman with you. If our enforcers are dead, kill her.”

Seth stepped in front of Teagan, stomach twisting into a knot. “No. Teagan stays here. If you want a hostage, take me. This team is under my command. I’m responsible for all decisions and orders.”

“Commendable but unacceptable. As a leader, you understand there are consequences for every action.”

“I know plenty about consequences, Peters. Do you?”

Teagan squeezed his hand. When he glanced at her, he saw the warning in her eyes. Making her look weak in front of these two men could have deadly consequences later. Besides, she’d proved only a few hours earlier how capable she was of protecting herself. She was outside, not cornered in a small room so Teagan wouldn’t freeze. Not only that, the other three detectives had incapacitated and restrained the three enforcers. They were fine which meant Teagan would be all right if Richardson kept his partner’s promise. He was risking his girlfriend’s life on honor between criminals.

What choice did he have? If he continued to protest, their undercover op was finished before it started.

Seth leaned down and brushed her mouth with his. “Go with Richardson, baby.” It took everything he had to stay in place when she walked across the open space with Richardson’s hand clamped around her upper arm and a weapon pointed at her side.

Ten long minutes later, Teagan walked out of the woods with Richardson and three men at her back. The three men each carried a rifle and had surly facial expressions.

Peters glowered at his enforcers. “Go to your vehicle and prepare to leave,” he said icily.

“Yes, sir,” was the mumbled response. The men shuffled toward the second luxury SUV, shooting resentful glances toward Seth and his men.

Those three would be a problem. They hadn’t appreciated being shown as inept at their jobs by Knight, Bowen, and Marsh. He and the others would have to watch their backs.

“I underestimated you, Dixon,” Peters said. I won’t do so again.”

Good or bad? Probably good. “You need better protection.”

“What’s your solution to my problem?”

“Use us. We’re trained to serve on protection details among other things. You wanted us because of our experience serving together in the military and law enforcement. Use our training for your advantage and best protection.”

If they were allowed closer to the men at the top of the power structure, his team could unearth the information they needed that much sooner. Whatever it took to get Teagan out of this situation as fast as possible was his goal. If they remained in the compound, eventually she would be in a situation similar to the one at the station. Seth wanted to avoid that scenario.

Peters inclined his head. “I’ll think about it.”

Not exactly the response Seth wanted but if he pushed, he’d raise the suspicions of the leaders and that could have deadly consequences for his team.

“Time to move out,” Richardson said. “We need to get Dixon and his team settled into the compound and show them how we do things in The Brotherhood.” He motioned for Peters to climb into their vehicle. Another man, presumably another enforcer, sat behind the wheel.

Seth signaled his team to load up, then escorted Teagan to her vehicle. He opened the door for her and lifted her to thepassenger seat. “Are you okay?” He curled his hand around her nape in a show of possession for the targets who watched them. “Richardson and his thugs didn’t hurt you?”

She cupped his cheek with her palm. “I’m fine. Your teammates did a good job. No sign of their passage or a struggle anywhere. They trussed up the enforcers with zip ties and muffled them with gags, their weapons lying beside them. Knight, Marsh, and Bowen haven’t lost a step since they left the military.”

“Good to know. You’re sure Richardson didn’t hurt you?” The man had been furious.

She smiled. “He was too angry. Richardson trains the enforcers himself. He wasn’t happy to be made a fool of by us.”

“We’ll have to watch our backs.”

Teagan shrugged. “That would have been true no matter what. We’ll handle it, Seth. It’s what we do.”

He planted a hard kiss on her mouth and closed the door. Once Seth climbed behind the wheel, he followed Richardson and Peters and the enforcers from the area. Noah fell into line behind him. Marsh, Knight, and Bowen brought up the rear.

Once they were on the interstate, Seth’s phone signaled an incoming call. He glanced at the dashboard. “Yeah?”

“Ticked the men off, especially Richardson,” Knight said.