Page 60 of Covert Mission

“We should change and gear up before the coffee shop meeting.”

A slight nod. “Agreed.” She stood. “Key fob?”

Seth handed it to her and glanced at Noah who nodded and trailed her from the kitchen despite being shirtless. He turned to Teagan and wrapped his arms around her waist. “You’re gearing up?”

“You bet. I trust Richardson and Peters as far as I can throw them.”

He smiled. “That much, huh?”

“Do you?”

“Nope. Although I know Knight has connections, this contact was fast enough to raise my suspicions.”

“Same. Is it possible The Brotherhood has its hooks in your department?”

“I’m wondering if that’s the case myself. Someone introduced the idea of inducting me and Noah into the militia before this dinner tonight. No way their group could run all the checks they should in a few minutes.”

Seth kissed her lightly. “They’ll try to run checks on you and Violet, too.”

“They’ll fail. Fortress has our information locked down.”

“You’re sure?”

“Positive. If the militia has an excellent hacker, they might get some basic information from our military records. They’ll find no mention of our employment with Fortress Security. I assure you, Zane has our information locked down so tight no one could penetrate the cybersecurity, especially with us going undercover on this op with you.”

“I hope you’re right. If anything happens to you because of me, I won’t be able to live with it.”

“Fortress has our backs, and your friends and my teammates will be there to help if anything happens while we’re in the compound.” Wouldn’t help if militia members shot them at point-blank range.

“Think we’ll need all that firepower?”

“I hope not but I’m not leaving it to chance.” She brushed her mouth over his. “You’re too important to me to risk your safety by not being prepared for the worst.”

He gave Teagan a warm smile. “Good to know because I feel the same way about you.”

“Do you have a bullet-resistant vest, Seth?”

“I do. So does Noah.”

“Excellent. You and your partner need to gear up as well.”

Seth watched her a minute, then said, “Bad feeling?”

“Oh, yeah.”

A slight nod. “Matches mine.”

His partner returned to the kitchen with Violet’s Go bag in hand. “Problem?”

“Wear your vest to this meet-and-greet. I don’t like how this feels.”

“Planned to do that, anyway.”

Teagan breathed easier. Hopefully, all these extra precautions were overkill.


SETH PARKED ATthe front of the coffee shop so he could monitor the SUV during this meeting with Richardson and Peters. Wouldn’t put it past The Brotherhood to either put a tracker on the vehicle or sabotage it.