He glanced at Violet while he loosened the cap on the tube of cream. “Want to work on Noah?”
She turned to Noah, eyebrow raised in a silent inquiry.
“Do it,” he murmured.
“Get him prepped while I finished with Seth,” Jake said.
“What about after this mission is finished?” Seth asked. “Will we have to repeat this process to remove the trackers?”
“We can.” Jake spread a thin layer of the cream across the small incisions. “Or you can leave them in. They’ll be inert unless you or Teagan indicate a need to activate them. Fortress doesn’t track its operatives unless they miss a check-in. Since you aren’t a Fortress operative, we won’t keep track of you or your movements.” The medic recapped the tube, tugged off his gloves, and tapped Seth’s shoulder. “Finished. Leave your shirt off for a few minutes until the cream dries. Teagan, keep him company for a minute while Violet and I take care of Noah.”
“Yes, sir.”
The medics repeated the process with Noah, this time with Violet wielding the second scalpel Jake produced from his mike bag. In minutes, Violet spread a thin layer of cream over Noah’s cuts. “You good?” she murmured to Noah.
“Yep. Nice job.”
Amusement filled Teagan as her teammate’s face reddened with a blush. Look at that. Violet was sweet on the detective.
“I have three more scalpels, Violet.” Jake offered them to her. “I’ll restock when I return to headquarters. You need to keep your current stash in case things go sideways on this op.”
“Don’t they always?”
He chuckled. “It’s more of a surprise when they don’t. Need any other supplies before I take off?”
Violet shook her head. “I stocked up at headquarters.”
Seth turned to face the medic. His stare was intense, his body language a tad aggressive. What was that about?
Teagan circled the breakfast bar, pulled a to-go cup and a lid from the cupboard, and poured coffee for the other medic. “How’s your wife, Jake?”
Some of the tension left Seth’s body. Teagan smiled, amused at Seth’s reaction to Jake. So that was it. Seth Dixon was territorial with her. She could live with that.
A big smile curved Jake’s mouth. “Lacey is fantastic. I’m the luckiest man alive, Teagan.”
“How is school going for her?” Violet asked.
“She’s loving every minute and looking forward to taking the MCAT at the end of the month. If all goes as I expect it to, she’ll be attending medical school next year.”
“I’m glad to hear it. We need her surgical skills. Doc Sorenson has more business than he can handle these days.” Teagan finished filling the cup. “Need sugar or cream?”
Jake shook his head. “Black is fine. Like you, we never have time to doctor our coffee on ops. We take what we can get on the run.”
Wasn’t that the truth? She secured the lid and handed the cup to the medic. “Want a snack to help keep you awake?”
He lifted the cup and sipped. “This is perfect. No need for food but thanks for the offer. I better get going.” Jake waggled the plastic bag with the paper inside and slid it into his mike bag. “As soon as I deliver this to the lab and restock my medical supplies, I’m going home to my beautiful wife. We both have the day off tomorrow.”
Teagan smiled. “Enjoy your day with Lacey.”
“Seth, Noah, it was nice to meet you. Good luck with your assignment. We’ll be close by if you need us, ladies. See all of you later.” With that, Jake left.
“What did he mean by that?” Noah asked.
“He’s the medic for Phantom.”
Teagan poured coffee into mugs for the rest of them. “Violet, where’s your Go bag?”