Page 55 of Covert Mission

Teagan and her companions continued to eat as Leon Peters and Boyd Richardson made their way to the table.

The men stopped occasionally to talk to people who caught their attention, then resumed the journey to the table. When they finally arrived, Seth and Noah set their forks on their plates.

“Can we help you?” Noah asked.

“It’s more what we can do for you, Detective Mann,” Peters said. “Or I should say former Detective Mann. My name is Leon Peters. This is Boyd Richardson.”

Seth set his water glass on the table with a thud. “Did you come over here to gloat, Peters? If so, go finish your meal and let us eat in peace.”

Richardson chuckled. “And leave you to lick your wounds over your unfair treatment? Hardly seems like a sporting thing to do when we can offer you and your partner something better.”

“Is that right?” Noah’s eyebrows rose. “Care to explain?”

“Not here. Where can we meet that’s more private?”

Teagan remained silent and watchful. The last thing she wanted was for Seth and Noah to meet the leaders of The Brotherhood at either of their houses. Just not smart to let the enemy know where they lived. Of course, the two detectives weren’t rookies. They’d been on undercover ops before. So where would they choose to meet?

“The coffee shop on Highway 35,” Seth said. “It’s open 24 hours a day and caters to truckers. They have an alcove that will be private enough.”

Peters nodded. “All right. What time tonight can you meet?”

Noah snorted. “In a hurry, Peters?”

Peters and Richardson exchanged glances before Richardson said, “We don’t want to lose you to other offers.”

Seth raised Teagan’s hand to his mouth again before he said wryly, “They’re not exactly beating down our doors.”

“Their loss.” Peters’ gaze shifted to Teagan and Violet. “You lovely ladies are welcome to attend the meeting with your boyfriends.”

“Why?” Seth demanded. “What do you want with Teagan and Violet?”

“We want our members to be happy and settled. You would be neither if we insisted you live on site without your women. Am I correct?”

Teagan smiled at Peters. “You are. We’re not interested in spending months away from our men. Did enough of that in the Army, didn’t we, Violet?”

Peters and Richardson’s interest in her and her teammate sharpened. “You’re military trained?”

“Ten years in, both of us,” Violet said.

“Well, well. You’re full of surprises,” Peters murmured. “I’m looking forward to meeting with you even more now. By all means, please bring your ladies. Are you available to meet at 11:00 tonight?”

Noah’s expression hardened. “Not like our social calendar is full these days, and we don’t have anywhere to be tomorrow.”

Richardson smiled. “Won’t be long until you’re busier than you’ve ever been, my friend. See you later. Oh, by the way, some friends of yours might join us at the coffee shop. You don’t look like the sort of men who appreciate surprises.”

“You’d be correct about that,” Seth snapped. “Don’t know if you’ve heard but most of the people we thought we could count on turned on us.”

“Not these men. You won’t have to worry about their loyalty to you and your partner.” He and his friend returned to their table to finish their meals.

“Didn’t take them long to bite,” Violet said and forked a bite of lasagna into her mouth.

“Send Knight a text,” Seth said to his partner. “Find out if this meeting is legitimate or a setup for an ambush.”

Noah grabbed his phone. A moment later, he said, “He confirmed and said his cousin just sent a message informing him of the meeting at the coffee shop at 11:00.”

“I still don’t like it but at least we’ll have plenty of backup. I don’t want Teagan and Violet caught in an ambush.”

“That’s why we have Artemis as backup, too.” Teagan finished the last bite of her meal.