“She’s waiting in the living room. I talked to Knight. He and the others will make their way here by midnight. They handed in their resignations at the close of shift this afternoon. Burnett was livid for real.”
Seth gave a soft whistle. “The lieutenant may not hire them back after this mission.”
“Burnett warned them that was a likely scenario since they were bailing without notice and against his orders. Then he commended them for their loyalty and ordered them to watch the backs of the infiltration team.”
“We should get going,” Teagan said as she moved to stand beside Seth. “Let’s see if The Brotherhood has heard the news and takes the bait tonight.”
Minutes later, they sat in a corner booth in her favorite Italian restaurant. After the waitress took their orders, Teaganscanned the crowded dining room. Above the music playing in the background, restaurant patrons filled the room with the rise and fall of conversation.
Seth draped his arm across Teagan’s shoulders and leaned down to brush a kiss to her ear. “See anyone who catches your attention?”
“Several men.”
“Let me guess.” Another kiss, this time to the side of her neck. “Center table, two men. One is wearing a black t-shirt. The second one is wearing a blue button down.”
“Very good. Who else?”
“Right corner, front of the restaurant. Three men and one woman.”
“Three women near the door.”
He stiffened. “What about them?”
“They’re staring at my boyfriend. I don’t like it.”
Seth pulled back to stare at Teagan. “How do you know they’re not staring at Noah?”
“Those women haven’t even glanced his way. They want you.”
His mouth curved. “Too bad for them the only woman in my life is you.”
“Except for your mother and your sisters-in-law.”
“They’re related to me, sweetheart. They don’t count.” He lifted their entwined fingers and kissed Teagan’s knuckles.
“Did we miss any suspicious patrons?” She scanned the dining room again. No one else pinged on her radar.
“Actually, I was the one who missed the table of women ogling me.”
“How could you miss the obvious hopeful looks sent your way?”
“Easy. I was too busy looking at you.”
“Heads up,” Noah murmured. “Server’s headed our way.”
Teagan broke away from Seth’s intense stare as the server set plates filled with lasagna in front of each of them and placed a large serving bowl of salad in the center of the table. When he moved off to the next table, Teagan and the others dug into their meals.
Violet moaned as she chewed her first bite of lasagna. “This is so good.”
“Better than my mother’s,” Seth agreed.
Teagan glanced at him. “Can you cook?”
“You bet. Mom taught all of us to cook. She said she didn’t want us to sit on our backsides while our wives or girlfriends did all the work. All the Dixon men can do laundry and clean the house, too.” His smile faded and pain filled his eyes.
Teagan rested her free hand on his knee and squeezed gently. “We’ll fix it,” she murmured. “I promise.”
“Company,” Noah said in a low voice.