Page 36 of Covert Mission

“Can’t imagine what connection The Brotherhood has at The Ranch. Their operation is centered in another part of the state.”

“You’d be surprised. Besides, the connection may be nothing more than the potential to raise money for the cause.”

“I hope you’re wrong.”

“So do I. If I’m correct, though, catching the attention of The Brotherhood’s top brass will be easier.”

“All right.” Seth rested his hand on Teagan’s lower back. “Let’s get this done.”

Soon, he cranked the engine of Teagan’s SUV and drove toward the other side of Ardmore and The Ranch.

Twenty minutes later, he bypassed the valet parking to choose a parking spot himself. The thought of a valet pilfering through Teagan’s vehicle didn’t sit right with Seth. Knowing her tendency to have weapons in abundance, he’d guess she had a small arsenal hidden in her ride. He didn’t want her weapons to end up in the wrong hands.

Seth backed into a parking space and turned off the engine. He took his time scanning the area, searching for trouble lurking in the shadows. When he was satisfied all was as it should be, he glanced at Teagan. “Ready?”

She nodded.

“You’re armed?”

A slow smile curved her mouth. “What do you think?”

“I want you to have every advantage possible in case anything happens tonight.” He doubted The Brotherhood would make a move on them at the restaurant. However, speculation was already hitting the airwaves about him. Burnett had given him and Noah a heads up before they’d left the house with Teagan and Violet.

That meant his brothers and parents would get in touch with him soon. He’d yet to decide how to handle the situation. The last thing he wanted was to hurt his family.

In this case, however, Seth didn’t have a choice. Burnett was right. His family’s role in this charade was as vital as his and his team’s roles. Their honest reaction would sell the story for Seth. Still didn’t mean he enjoyed hurting them.

“I’m covered.” Teagan glanced at her teammate. “Violet, are you set?”

“Armed, but I feel naked going into the restaurant without my mike bag.”

“If you need it, I’ll get the bag for you,” Noah said.

Seth exited the vehicle and circled the nose to open Teagan’s door. He bracketed her waist with his hands and helped Teagan to the asphalt. “We’re on stage,” he murmured. “Mind if I kiss you?”

“I’ll be disappointed if you don’t.”

He chuckled as he leaned down and captured her lips with his own. Lightning bolts sizzled along his veins. Although he’d love to linger right here, Teagan’s safety was at risk in this parking lot, exposed to anyone who wanted to get at them.

Seth broke the kiss and stared down into Teagan’s beautiful eyes. “Lady, you’re a serious distraction. I’ll have to be on my toes from here on out, but I just couldn’t resist another taste of your sweet mouth.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and turned to see his partner doing the same with Violet.

They walked across the parking lot and along the sweeping sidewalk to the front door of the restaurant. Since Noah had the membership card, he took the lead.

He and Violet stepped inside the large mansion first. Seth and Teagan followed in their wake in time to hear Noah give his name to the hostess.

The young woman smiled. “Mr. Mann, nice to see you again. Please come with me. Your table is ready.” She escorted them to a table in the corner of the main dining room. A large river stone fireplace filled half the wall near their table.

Seth’s muscles relaxed. Nice. At least he wouldn’t have to worry about having his back to the room. After he seated Teagan, Seth bent and kissed the side of her neck. Her shiver brought a smile to his lips.

As soon as they were seated, their waitress hustled to the table. “My name is Charlie. I’ll be your server for this evening. What drinks may I bring you?”

Seth looked at Teagan. “Sweetheart?”

“Water with lemon.”

“Same,” Violet said.

“Make that four,” Noah added.