Page 28 of Covert Mission

“So, are we doing this?” Noah asked.

Violet extended her arms over her head in a luxurious stretch. “How could we say no to an invitation laid out so nicely by the feds?”

“I’m in if you’re in,” Teagan insisted, her gaze locked on Seth. “If you go in without me, I’ll find a way into the militia on my own.”

Dread curled in Seth’s gut. That wasn’t happening on his watch. At least if Teagan went in with him as his girlfriend, he had legitimate reasons to claim her as his and protect her without raising the suspicions of Richardson and Peters. “Noah?”

“I don’t like it, but I’m in. You?”

“Yeah, I’m in. You and Violet go inform the others. I need a minute with Teagan.”

Violet and Noah left the room, closing the door behind them.

Seth held out his hand. “Come here, sweetheart.” When she was close enough, he drew her into his arms and held her close. “Are you sure you want to do this?” he murmured against her ear.

Man, she fit perfectly in his arms. He’d wanted a date with her to get to know the mysterious Teagan slowly, maybe even convince her he was necessary in her life. Now he was heading into a dangerous undercover assignment with a target on his back and Teagan by his side.

On undercover assignments, you lived a lie. Teagan would see a side of Seth Dixon that wasn’t real. Although he’d do his best not to cross the line, he’d protect Teagan any way he had to. His partner would do the same with Violet.

Might be stupid to worry about Teagan’s perception of him during this op. She’d reminded him more than once that this was what she did for a living. No question in his mind that she was very good at her job.

But this assignment wasn’t strictly for work. Teagan was going under to protect him. He was equal parts terrified for and in awe of this amazing woman.

“Would you let me do this alone?” she asked.

“No way,” he said without hesitation. Just the idea made him want to hurl. “You’re mine to protect, Teagan.”

“Even though I can protect myself?”

“Even though. Just because you’re more than capable of pulling this off doesn’t mean I want you to do this. I don’t want to lose you, and this will be a dangerous assignment.”

She leaned back enough to look into his eyes. “Seth, all our assignments are dangerous. You understand that, right?”

“Of course. This is different.”


“You’re doing this for me. Pico was my confidential informant and a friend. I have to do this. You don’t. Teagan, I don’t want to be the reason you’re injured or, God forbid, killed.” He cupped her face between his palms. “Baby, I don’t want to lose you before I know the real Teagan Paloni.”

“I want to know the real Seth Dixon, and I can’t do that if you’re dead. Don’t ask me to step aside. I won’t do it.”

Caving to the inevitable, Seth’s mouth curved. “Is this a sign of how our relationship is going to develop for the next 50 years?”

Teagan laughed. “Planning ahead, Detective Dixon?”

“I have to stay on my toes around you, Ms. Paloni. If not, I’m afraid you’ll leave me behind in the dust.” He sobered. “Are you sure, Teagan? You’ll see a Seth Dixon that’s bitter and angry, one that may not treat his woman with the care she deserves.”

She stopped him with two fingers resting gently over his mouth. “Seth, I can handle it. We may not know each other well, but I’ve seen glimpses of the real you during the time we’vespent together.” Teagan rested her palm over his heart. “I won’t confuse the two men.”

“I hope not.” He kissed the tender skin below her ear, smiling when she shivered. “I don’t want to lose you.”

“Now you know how I feel. I don’t want to lose out on this opportunity with you, either. Please, trust me. I can do this. I can get you through this.”

Seth eased back just enough to see her face. “We have one problem.”

Her brows knitted. “What’s that?”

“We’re supposed to go into this assignment as a couple. I haven’t even kissed you yet. How will I convince anyone that you’re my woman if I don’t know how to kiss you properly?”