Page 23 of Covert Mission

“Best thing I’ve heard in years.”


SETH STARED ATthe Fortress Security campus as Teagan drove her SUV onto the grounds. Holy smoke. He did not know so many buildings were in the enclosed campus. “Is this where you train?”

Teagan glanced at him. “Sometimes. Usually, we train in Ardmore. Iona bought a house with a ton of acreage so we can train together on her property. It keeps people from being too nosy about what we’re doing.”

He shifted his gaze to the woman at his side. “You’re talking about the Wilmington place?”

“That’s right. You’re familiar with it?”

“Who isn’t? Down at headquarters, it’s known as the Palace. We knew someone bought the property, but no one knew who. Will you give me a tour sometime?”

“I’d love to. No pictures, though.”

Seth snorted. “Do I look like the kind of guy to take photos of everything I see and post them all over my social media pages?” As if that would ever happen. He only took photos of crime scenes and he posted nothing online. A cop had to be a fool to have a social media presence.

“Not really.”

“There you go. Since I don’t have a social media footprint, you can take my phone for the duration of the tour.”

Teagan parked in an underground garage and turned off the engine. “It’s not that I don’t trust you, Seth. This is about security for me and my teammates.”

“I get it, Teagan. You don’t have to explain.”

“If that’s true, you’re the only man I’ve been interested in who understood.”

He paused with his hand on the armrest. “A man dumped you over security issues?” What kind of idiot let a woman as unique and beautiful as Teagan Paloni slip through his fingers?

“More than one.”

“I’m a lot of things, sweetheart. Stupid isn’t one of them.” Seth cupped her cheek with his hand and brushed the velvet skin of her bottom lip with his thumb. “Their loss is my gain.” After another pass over her lip, he climbed out of the SUV and met Teagan at the front of the hood.

She led the way to the elevator where her teammates waited for them.

How did Brent Maddox put together a team of five gorgeous women to work in black ops?

Teagan turned to him as the elevator rose to an upper floor. “Seth, these are my other teammates, Iona, Rayne, and Riley.”

He shook their hands. “Seth Dixon. Thanks for helping with security.” Even though it galled him to depend on anyone else when he could protect himself.

Riley smiled. “How much did that hurt?”

“More than I’m willing to admit in an enclosed space.”

The women laughed.

On the sixth floor, Iona led them to a large conference room where a man in a wheelchair talked with Noah.

Seth’s partner looked as though he had slept little overnight. “Pull another all nighter?” he asked.

“Tried to get as much information as possible before Burnett locked me out of the system.”

“Were you successful?”

“Not enough. I put in most of the information I could access myself. The crime scene team was slow logging their findings.”

“What do you bet Burnett was behind that?”