“I agree,” Knight said. “We should eat before we return to Ardmore. What restaurant should we choose for dinner?”
“I know just the place,” Rayne said. “Everybody okay with Mexican?”
When everyone nodded, she said, “I’ll call and ask the owner to reserve a table for ten.”
“We’ll meet you in the garage,” Iona said. “Rayne, you and Riley are with me.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
When the group exited the conference room, Seth held back, his gaze locked on Teagan.
Her eyebrow rose. “Something wrong?”
“On what?”
“How soon will PSI work us in for training?”
“Two weeks. That’s the usual lead time needed to prepare our training agenda.”
“Second question. Do you want a big wedding?”
She grimaced. “No.”
“Third question. Since you want a small wedding, how informal do you want to go?”
“Can I wear fatigues?”
He laughed. “It’s fine with me but I think my mother might object.”
“I had to try.” Teagan’s eyes twinkled. “I can probably come up with something suitable for a wedding.”
“Last question. Will you marry me before we’re sent to PSI?”
He froze. “Yes?”
She smiled. “Yes. I’d love to marry you. Name the day and time, and we’ll make it happen.”
Seth wrapped his arms around Teagan and swung her in a circle. “Thank you, baby.” He paused. “Wait. If we get married in the next two weeks, we won’t have time for a honeymoon.”
Teagan shrugged. “Gives you time to plan the perfect honeymoon. We can ask Maddox for time off after PSI’s training. We’ll all appreciate time to recuperate from the many bumps and bruises we’ll accumulate.”
Seth wrapped his arms around her and captured her mouth with his. “I love you more than I can express, Teagan.”
“I love you, too.” She stepped out of his arms and threaded their fingers together. “Come on. We have even more to celebrate now. Let’s not hold up the party.”
He walked with the love of his life to the elevator. “Who do you want to invite to the wedding?”
“Easy. Family. Both of our teams, your parents, and brothers and their families.”
“Do you prefer a certain location?”
“I’d rather not get married at the courthouse. Too many police officers in and out of there, and I don’t want you and your team constantly watching your backs.”
Teagan looked up at him as they rode the elevator to the garage. “We could get married at Cornerstone Church in Otter Creek. Marcus Lang is the pastor there. He’d be honored to marry us, and Otter Creek is only two hours from your parents’ house. What do you think?”