Her friend’s face flushed. “Not yet.”
Those two words were telling. She smiled. “Couldn’t happen to a nicer couple.”
“It’s not official, T. I might never see him again after we return to Ardmore.”
“Not a chance,” Seth said. “I’ve never seen him this interested in a woman, Violet. If you’re not interested in a relationship with Noah, now’s the time to tell him.”
“I didn’t say I wasn’t interested. I don’t know if he wants to pursue a relationship with me.”
“Don’t think that’s an issue.”
An hour later, Violet straightened and tugged off her gloves. “Congratulations, Seth. You’re the proud owner of fifty stitches. I should have sent you to the hospital.”
“Thanks for taking care of it for me. One hospital visit this week was enough.”
She dug in her bag and pulled out two packets. Violet handed them to Seth. She tapped one. “Antibiotic. Take two a day until they’re finished. No whining about it or skipping doses. I’m sure Salitto didn’t sanitize his knife before using it on you.”
“What’s the other packet?”
“Mild pain killers like I gave you for your head injury. Take two when you need them. Don’t try to tough out the pain. It’s hard to kill if you let pain get ahead of you.”
“Yes, Doctor Violet.”
She waved him off. “Go. Grant, you’re next.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
While Violet worked on Grant’s injury, Agent Walters found Seth and Teagan, escorted them to his SUV, and interviewed them. When he finished, he went through the same process with the rest of the infiltration team.
Walters shook Seth’s hand. “Thank you for your help, Dixon. You and your team did an amazing job in a brief span of time. We could use a team like yours if you decide to move up to the big leagues.”
“No, thanks, sir.”
The special agent studied him for a moment. “You realize word of your role in King’s death will leak to your fellow cops.”
“We know.”
“If you need another option, call me. We’ll be in touch when we need you and your team to testify.” With that, Walters returned to the building to oversee the crime scene team.
Iona said, “Seth, you and Teagan report to Maddox and Burnett on the way to the hotel. Are we staying overnight or leaving today?”
“I’d like to leave this area if possible. I think we captured everyone from Haven, but I don’t want to stay and find out I’m wrong.”
“If they want us bad enough, they’ll go to Ardmore. We aren’t hard to track down in a town that size.”
“Not to mention your fellow cops won’t be happy with our role in King’s death,” Riley said.
“I’m aware.” Seth wrapped his arm around Teagan’s waist. “Let’s go before the media sniffs out this location and plasters our faces all over the news.”
On the way to the hotel, Teagan called Maddox. “It’s Teagan. You’re on speaker with Seth, Noah, and Violet.”
“Sit rep.”
Between them, she and Seth updated her boss.
“Excellent work. Injuries?”
“Seth and Grant,” Violet said.