“Search the place again. Now,” the first man snapped. “They’re here somewhere.”
Teagan considered the options and realized there was only one choice. Staying in character was still risky, but she believed Seth and their teammates would come if she and Violet failed to pull this off or escape.
She turned toward Violet, eyebrow raised.
Her teammate gave a slow smile and removed her hair tie. She ran her fingers through her hair and gave Teagan a nod.
After Teagan had done the same to her own hair, she picked up her Go bag and slipped it over one shoulder. “How long, Z?” she whispered.
“Your teammates are stalking the crew outside. Seth is three minutes out.”
“Copy. Engaging now.”
“Be careful, Teagan.”
“Copy that.” She slipped into her role, strolled into the corridor, and headed for the lobby area of the building with Violet a few steps behind her.
One enforcer Teagan and her team hadn’t confronted in the challenge stepped in front of her. “There you are.” He scowled as he looked behind her. “Where are Seth and the others?”
She gave him a sultry smile. “Not here.”
One by one, the rest of the Haven enforcers joined them in the lobby. They surrounded the women, giving them no chance to escape.
Theo, the leader, snorted. “Come on, Teagan. I’ve seen the way Seth looks at you. He wouldn’t leave you here with only the medic to protect you.”
She shrugged and inched closer to the enforcer. “Why are you and the others here? We’re supposed to meet Peters and Richardson at the rendezvous point in two hours. Seth and the others are meeting us there.”
Theo’s gaze raked over her body. Heat gleamed in his eyes. “Change of plans, sweetheart,” he murmured. “I’m beginning to understand Peters’ obsession with you and your friend.”
“Just what every woman wants to hear.” Violet swept her hair back from her face and favored the enforcer with a smile. “I don’t think my boyfriend will appreciate your interest, Theo. He doesn’t like to share.”
“He won’t stand in my way much longer,” he shot back. “Hope you said goodbye to your man this morning because you won’t see him again.”
The rest of his buddies chuckled.
“What do you mean by that?” Teagan demanded. “Seth and his team are meeting us. They never break their word.”
“I’m following orders.”
“What orders?” Violet asked. “We know nothing about a change in plans. Why are you lying to us?”
Teagan tilted her head. “Are you playing a game of your own?”
“No game, sweetness. Peters and Richardson have something special planned for you two, and now your men can’t interfere.” He licked his bottom lip and grasped her upper arm. “I might ask to watch. If I’m lucky, I’ll get to help.”
She shifted closer. “Watch? Oh, you’re a bad boy, Theo.” Teagan shook her head. “Seth won’t be happy to hear that. I hope you like to run because when he finds out you touched me without permission, you’ll be running until you drop dead.”
He jerked her up against him. “Don’t you understand what I’m telling you? Your boyfriend is dead or soon will be. You better hope Peters keeps you to himself. If he gives me a chance at you, you’ll learn how a real man disciplines his woman.”
While he spouted threats, Teagan freed her knife. When Theo wound down, Teagan said, “Let go of my arm.”
The enforcer sneered. “And if I don’t?”
She smiled. “Look down, Theo.”
He glanced down and froze. “Are you crazy?”
“Not at the moment. That will change if you don’t take your hand off me.”