“We need to know the identity of the targets,” Knight said.
“That’s where Fortress comes in. We need help to narrow down the possibilities.”
“Call Zane,” Violet said. “Get him on this now.” Her voice was tight.
Noah wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “We’re on it.”
Seth made the call and put it on speaker.
“Yeah, Murphy.” A child cried in the background.
“It’s Seth Dixon. You’re on speaker with my team.”
“Understood. Hold.” A minute later, Zane said, “Go.”
Seth updated him and asked for help in narrowing down potential targets. “I know we have little, but it’s all we’ve got.”
“I’ll see what I can do. No idea where you’re headed?”
“Not really. From the hints, I’d say we’re headed east to Washington, D.C.”
“Have you spoken to Maddox?”
“Not yet.”
“I’ll get started on the search. Call the boss. Now.” Zane ended the call.
Seth blew out a breath and made the second call.
“Maddox. Talk to me.”
“It’s Seth Dixon. You’re on speaker with my team.”
“Sit rep.”
Seth summarized what they’d learned from listening to the meeting in the conference room. “We’ve asked Zane to help us narrow down likely targets.”
“Too many without more information,” Maddox agreed. “The most obvious targets are Martin and Reynolds.”
He froze. “The President and Vice-President of the United States? No way.”
“Can you think of a bigger splash than to take out the leaders of the free world?”
“What’s the point? No one will appoint Peters as president. He doesn’t have a presence on the political stage.”
“If Martin and Reynolds are the targets, you need to find out what Peters has to gain. I’ll update the feds on what we know so far. Contact Burnett.”
“Yes, sir.”
She stiffened. “Yes, sir?”
“You dealing?”
“Yes, sir.”
“If you can’t, I need to know about it yesterday. Understood?”