“Yes, sir.”
“She’s mine. If you don’t do your job, she could die in an enemy attack. Is that what you want?”
“No, sir.”
“Neither do I. Do you remember what I told you this afternoon during our meeting?”
Another hard swallow. “That we only have one chance to get it right.”
“You put my woman at risk, Tristan, along with every member of my team. You put your friends, coworkers, Peters, and Richardson at risk with your minute of flirtation.”
“Please, sir, I won’t do it again.” Tristan’s voice cracked. “Please, don’t send me to the punishment room.”
Cold chills swept over Seth’s body. “You should be more afraid of me than any punishment room. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, sir.”
“You’re dismissed, Tristan. Go back to your quarters and think about what we’ve discussed. You have one more chance. If you screw up again, you’re done. Am I clear?”
“Y-y-yes, sir. What about my guard post? I don’t want to leave it unattended.”
“Someone else will cover for you. You’ll owe him a big favor. Go.”
Tristan spun on his heel and sprinted for his quarters.
By the time Teagan finished dressing down the other woman, the girlfriend was in tears. When Teagan finally released her, the woman ran off sobbing.
Way to influence friends and enemies. Seth dragged a hand down his face as Teagan walked toward him. “We need to find someone we trust to cover Tristan’s post. He’s been relieved of duty for the night while he thinks about whether he can do his job without interference or distraction.”
“Nice. The girlfriend, Penny, won’t be bothering him while he’s on duty again, either.”
“Good. Suggestions for Tristan’s replacement?”
“Colton Wells. I spoke to him in the chow line at dinner. He’s eager and willing to work hard.”
“What’s he been doing?”
She smiled. “Trash pickup. He used to be a cop. He’s also a friend of Ryan’s. I think he’ll be happy to help tonight. He also has noticed the problem Jillian was having with Peters. He felt the same as Ryan.”
“Good to know. Did you find out where his quarters are located?”
“Funny thing, that. Colton volunteered the information in case we needed an extra hand with anything.”
“This qualifies. Go get him. I’ll take over here until you return.”
Teagan returned five minutes later with a well-built, dark-haired man in his early thirties. “Seth, this is Colton. He’s volunteered to take over Tristan’s shift for the night.”
Seth shook his hand. “I don’t remember seeing you at the meeting after lunch.”
Colton grimaced. “I was going to the meeting when Mr. Richardson stopped me. He told me to get back to work collecting trash, that I wasn’t good enough for the enforcers or camp guards.”
“Do you want one of those jobs?”
“Yes, sir.”
“I was with Metro-Nashville Police for ten years. When I was injured on the job, my wife demanded I quit. She was worried about my safety. Even though I did what she asked, she divorced me a year later. I sort of drifted until The Brotherhood recruited me.”