Page 116 of Covert Mission

“Give them satellite phones and watches with GPS chips in them so they can call for help if they need it. And please make sure Jillian has some counseling.”

“You got it. Anything else?”

“No, sir. Thank you, Brent. Look, if the expenses run too high and your cashed-in favors don’t cover everything, let me know. I’ll chip in funds to help.” She suspected the rest of Artemis would do the same.

“I don’t think it will come to that. If it does, I’ll let you know. Keep me updated, Teagan. Any big changes occur, I want to know about them immediately.” Brent ended the call.

Some of the tension racking her body drained away. Thank goodness. The people in Otter Creek were kind and would take the couple under their wings. Maybe, just maybe, this would all work out for the best for Rubin and Jillian. Even if they didn’t stay together, they’d live in a town large enough that they wouldn’t have to see each other every day.

A knock on the door brought Teagan to her feet. Seth stood in the hall.

“May I come in?”

She stepped back and closed the door behind him. “What’s wrong?”

“You tell me. One minute you’re fine. The next, you’re upset and walking out to make a phone call. Is there something I should know, Teagan?”

She’d have to be careful of her facial expressions in the future. Apparently, she’d lost her ability to hide her thoughts and feelings. Not good on an operation like this one. “I’m okay, Seth.” When his eyebrow rose, she cupped his cheek. “I wasconcerned about Rubin and Jillian being on their own with no one to help them after the trial.”

“So am I. The odds of them staying off the radar of The Brotherhood are slim. Most people can’t live off the grid, much less teenagers with zero experience in hiding from the enemy.”

“Exactly. I called Maddox and asked for satellite phones and watches with GPS chips in them for the kids. He agreed to provide those and plans to move Rubin and Jillian to Otter Creek, where they’ll have plenty of people who can help them and provide protection if necessary.”

“The bodyguard school, right?”

She nodded. “They’ll be able to go to college if they want and Maddox is working on jobs for them. They’ll have options and a chance to have a life.“

Seth gently tugged her into his arms. “Unlike what you went through.”

“This isn’t about me.”

“Teagan, this mission has been personal for you since the beginning. I hate that this choice is necessary for the kids. I’m afraid they’re too young to know their own hearts and minds.” He eased her closer. “I love that you care so much for this young couple. You’ve been in their shoes and escaped. You know how difficult it is to make it on your own in a world of people who don’t want to help. I love that you went beyond what’s necessary to get Rubin and Jillian the help and protection they need to succeed and survive what’s coming.”

Seth bent his head and placed a gentle kiss on her mouth. “You have a heart of gold, Teagan Paloni.”

Teagan smiled. “How do you know the perfect things to say to me?”

“I pay attention. When you’re with me, no one else matters. Besides, I’m making a study of all things Teagan.”

“Funny. I’m making a study of all things Seth.”

“Good. When this mission is over, we’ll talk about where our relationship is going.”

She froze, cold seeping into her bones. No. Please, no. “What does that mean?”

Seth smiled. “Nothing bad, I promise.”

“That sounds like the prelude to a breakup talk.”

“Not going to happen. I’m in this with you for the long haul, Teagan.”

No matter how she twisted the words, Teagan was afraid to take what he said at face value. No one had ever claimed her for their own except Seth. Was he doing what she wanted most in this world? “Seth, please. Just tell me.”

“I don’t want to distract you.”

“Too late. I’m already distracted, buddy. Now spill it. Are you breaking up with me?”Please, please, please,she begged silently.Don’t let go of me. Don’t throw me away, too.

Seth cupped her face between his palms. “I’m not breaking up with you, baby. In fact, I’m doing a terrible job of telling you I never want to let you go.”