Page 109 of Covert Mission

“Copy that, sir.” In pairs, their four team members went in opposite directions.

Seth laced his fingers through Teagan’s. “Let’s find out how much progress Marsh made with Jillian.”

When they approached, Marsh stood and helped a visibly upset Jillian to her feet.

“Are you all right, Jillian?” Teagan asked.

Tears splashed down the girl’s cheeks. She shook her head. “I’m afraid,” she whispered.

From what Teagan had seen in the past two days, Jillian had a reason to be fearful. “We want to help. Will you let us?”

“Andre talked to me about doing something different.” Jillian’s gaze shifted from person to person. “But I’m afraid to leave. Where would I go?”

“Andre, let’s take Jillian to our quarters for this discussion,” Seth murmured. “Remember not to say a word until we clear every room.”

“Copy that, sir.” Marsh cupped Jillian’s elbow and escorted her toward the women’s quarters, looking as though he was walking her to the building.

Seth urged Teagan toward the team’s quarters. “Your take on Jillian?”

“She might be playing us but I don’t think so. I believe she wants out.”

He felt the same. Problem was, though, if Seth and his team helped Jillian escape, Peters would blame them. He didn’t know if the leader would target Seth with his fury or go after Teagan despite Seth warning him off.

Another problem was the girl’s age. If Jillian was a minor, the situation became more complicated.

Seth and Jillian greeted camp guards as they returned to their quarters. Some greeted them with respect. Others met them with suspicion. Seth stopped and talked to them for a moment.

Rubin, a young man who looked the same age as Jillian, gave a nod as Seth and Teagan approached. “Sir, ma’am.”

“Any problems?” Seth asked.

“No, sir.”

“If you encounter any, I need to know about it. Understood?”

“Yes, sir.” Rubin opened his mouth to say something else but stilled, his eyes widening.

Seth glanced over his shoulder. Andre walked into view, guiding Jillian to their quarters. Jillian’s cheeks were wet with tears.

Rubin sucked in a breath, his face flushing as he shifted his accusing gaze to Seth. “What’s going on, sir? Jillian’s upset.”

“You know her?” Teagan asked, her voice soft.

“We’re friends.” He risked another glance at Andre and Jillian.

“Good friends?”

A slight nod.

“More than that.” Seth folded his arms. “Remember the new rules I laid out today for candidates?”

“Yes, sir.”

“One of those rules was total honesty. Be careful how you answer me, Rubin. How close are you and Jillian?”

The kid’s chin went up, defiance a living entity in his eyes. “We’re dating. She looks upset. What did Mr. Marsh do to her?”

“Absolutely nothing. Someone else upset your girlfriend.”