“You’re under my command, Dixon.”
“Not at the moment, sir.”
Teagan shifted closer. “Regroup and come at the problem from another angle,” she murmured to Richardson and tilted her head toward the door.
“Perhaps you’re right.” Richardson glanced over his shoulder at Peters. “I’ll go for now. We’ll talk again later after we cool off and think things through.”
Peters relaxed slightly. “I look forward to our discussion.” He glanced at Seth and nodded. “Thank you, Dixon.”
“My pleasure, sir. This way, Mr. Richardson.” He and Teagan escorted Richardson from the office and walked with him to the end of the hallway, where he was out of Peters’ sight.
Richardson rounded on them. “So, I suppose Peters has his own hit squad now.”
“With my background, do you think I would sign on as an assassin for hire?” Seth asked.
“What he’s doing is foolish.”
“I can’t comment because I don’t have facts to base it on.”
The older man sneered. “Is that a lame way to ask me to tell you secrets that you have no business knowing after being in our midst for one day?”
“It’s a reminder that Mr. Peters’ safety depends on us. Your behavior was aggressive,” Teagan said. “We did the job you hired us for, sir. That’s all.”
“Your job also includes training enforcers and guards.” Richardson folded his arms. “Are you waiting until tomorrow to start that part of your job?”
“The rest of my team is evaluating the candidates’ skills or patching up their injuries.” Seth expected an explosion from that. He wasn’t disappointed.
Richardson’s brows knit together. “What are you talking about? I’ve already trained them. All you had to do was teach them a few new skills or hone the ones they already have.”
“You handed the responsibility to my team. While you know the candidates’ capabilities, we don’t. In order to do our jobs, we have to assess and assign them to jobs we feel best suited to their skills and abilities and our training methods.”
The other man’s face flushed, his eyes glittering.
“You did the same thing as an Army officer,” Teagan reminded him. “We’re doing our jobs, sir. That’s what you expect from us, and we don’t want to disappoint you.”
Some of the heightened color in Richardson’s cheeks receded. “We’ll see, won’t we? For your sake, beautiful Teagan, let’s hope your boyfriend knows what he’s doing.” He reached out and trailed a finger down her cheek. “I’d hate to see your exquisite body marred from a session in the punishment room.”
Teagan’s eyes narrowed.
Seth stepped between her and Richardson. “With all due respect, sir, keep your hands off my woman. I don’t share. Ever.”
Richardson studied him. “Even if it’s the price to remain a member of The Brotherhood?”
“Teagan is mine. End of story.” He moved a step closer to the officer. “Fair warning. I’m protective of all my people. Expect repercussions for any attacks or threats against them.”
Richardson sneered. “You’re outnumbered, Dixon. My people can take you out in seconds if I give the order.”
Seth inclined his head. “Perhaps. I guarantee we’ll take out more of your people than you can afford to lose before we go down. We’ll make it hurt.” And Seth would make sure Richardson took the first bullet from his Sig.
“Where’s your loyalty, Dixon? With The Brotherhood or with someone else?”
“Loyalty is earned.”
“And The Brotherhood hasn’t earned yours.”
“To be determined. Sir.” The pause was deliberate.
Richardson snorted. “I’ve got my eyes on you, Dixon. If you turn on The Brotherhood, I’ll be coming for you.”