SETH STACKED HISand Teagan’s empty dishes on a tray. “Knight, Marsh, stay on guard duty until Teagan and I finish meeting with the enforcers and bodyguards. Twenty minutes max. When we relieve you, help the rest of the team evaluate our candidates’ skill levels.”
“Yes, sir,” Marsh said. He and Knight policed their trash and followed Peters to the headquarters building.
Seth pushed back from the table along with the rest of his team. After disposing of their dishes, they walked to the training center.
Once inside, Seth walked to the center of the mat. “Spread out.”
“Think we’ll get any takers?” Bowen asked.
“I think we’ll have a turnover. The current enforcers won’t want to give up the power they wield in camp. The guards hope for better treatment and hours. We’ll have an influx of people who want to leave their current jobs and join the enforcers or guards.” Seth’s lips curled. “We’ll make waves today.” Whether Peters and Richardson approved of those changes was another thing altogether. The former Army officers would complain about the fruit-basket turnover.
Noah jogged into the building. “Violet’s all set in the clinic. She’s ready to treat injuries.”
“Good,” Seth murmured. Before this day ended, many candidates would need Violet’s services.
The rumble of voices reached his ears seconds before the training center’s door opened and the candidates surged into the cavernous room. The current group of enforcers swaggered onto the mat and stood in a group opposite the current slate of camp guards.
From the frowns cast at a third group standing apart from the rest, the smaller contingent were newcomers hoping to change their jobs. Ryan was at the front of the men in this group. Good. Seth was glad to see he’d made it.
“What are they doing here?” Jerry sneered at the hopefuls. “They don’t belong with the rest of us, especially Ryan the blimp.”
“Noah,” Seth said. “Make a note on your clipboard that Jerry will run three extra miles at top speed today.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Wait a minute,” Jerry sputtered.
“Want to make it four miles, Jerry?”
He shut his mouth.
“I didn’t think so.” Seth made eye contact with every person in the gym. “My name is Seth. My team and I are the new trainers for enforcers and guards.”
The enforcers and guards exchanged glances, consternation and anger on many faces. Ivan was the only exception. His expression held guarded hope.
Seth could work with that. “Mr. Richardson turned over the training responsibility to us to free his time for other tasks. Every enforcement and guard job is open. My team will evaluate your fitness and skill levels. We’ll assign jobs best suited to your qualifications.”
The blond-haired man beside Jerry scowled. “This is a waste of time. We already have assigned jobs.”
“You want to join Jerry on his extra miles today?”
Blondie paled. “No, sir.”
Seth shifted his attention to the rest of the men while keeping Blondie in his peripheral vision. “If you want a job as an enforcer or guard, you must earn it. Today, you’ll be assessed. Tomorrow morning at 0400, you’ll train with us.”
Grumbling broke out at that information.
Beside him, Teagan put two fingers in her mouth and emitted an ear-splitting whistle.
“The next person who talks without permission will be booted from the training center and reassigned to the most meaningless task I can find around camp,” Seth warned. “I won’t tolerate disrespect of any kind to me or my teammates. No second chances. Am I clear?”
Reluctant nods came from some of his audience members.
“I didn’t hear you,” he snapped.
“Yes, sir,” came the response.