Page 62 of SEAL's Resolve

“Hugh won’t like that arrangement.”

She didn’t want to broach the subject with her father this early, but now seemed as good a time as any to reveal her decision. “Hugh’s opinion doesn’t matter. This arrangement is best for me.”

Alan stared. “What are you saying? Of course Hugh’s opinion matters. You’re engaged.”

“No, Dad. We’re not. I’m not marrying Hugh.”

Her father scowled. “The announcement is scheduled to be released to the press at the end of the week.”

“I’m not marrying him.”

“But he’s signing employment papers soon.”

“You can hire Hugh without him being your son-in-law.”

“What’s gotten into you? Four days ago, the wedding plans were going well. Now, you don’t want anything to do with Hugh. What changed in four days?”

Shock rolled through her body. “What wedding plans?”

“The destination wedding in Orange Beach and a month-long cruise around the world. Hugh told me the plans last week.”

Her cheeks burned. “I haven’t planned a wedding and won’t if the groom is Hugh.”

“How could you do this to him? He’ll be devastated.” His cold gaze bored through Kristi. “I’m disappointed in you, Kristi. I never would have believed you’d do something so cruel to a good man.”

She stared at her father, feeling as though she looked at a stranger. “I’m doing him a favor. He deserves a woman who adores him. That woman will never be me.”

“Have you told him of your decision?”

She shook her head. “I planned to talk to him today. I came to see you first thing. I thought that would make you happy.” Guess she’d been wrong. Turned out that starting her day by seeing her father was a huge mistake.

“Think about the marriage proposal a few more days. Let the shock of the kidnapping wear off before you make a decision you’ll regret.”

“I know my own mind and heart. My decision stands.” She rose on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. Her heart sank when he remained utterly still instead of dragging her into his arms for a hug as he normally did when they parted company. “I’ll call you later.”

“Be careful, Kristi. I can’t lose you. I wouldn’t survive.”

“Wolf Pack is taking good care of me. The kidnappers will be behind bars soon.”

Alan turned away from her and stared at Rafe. “Take care of my daughter, Rafe. I’m trusting you with her life.”

“No one is more important to me than Kristi.” He held out his hand to her. “We should go. We want your return to town as low key as possible.”

“Hold it,” Alan snapped. His gazed dropped to their entwined hands. “What’s going on here?”

“My personal life is my business.” Kristi stepped closer to Rafe.

“You’re not dating this man. I won’t allow it.”

Kristi’s eyebrows rose. “You don’t have a say over my private life. You haven’t had a right to do that since I graduated from college and moved out on my own.”

“Where is your integrity? You’re still involved with Hugh.”

“That’s enough, Mr. Stewart.” Rafe’s voice held an edge of steel.

“Stay out of this. I’ll be lodging a complaint with your boss.”

“Dad.” Kristi waited until his attention shifted to her. “Stop. I won’t change my mind.”