Page 50 of SEAL's Resolve

“Oh, man. Weeping and wailing will commence as soon as word gets around. Who’s the lucky woman?” Darcy’s gaze returned to Kristi, her eyes twinkling.

Kristi smiled. “I am.”

“Congratulations to you both. How long have you been dating?”

“A few hours,” Rafe answered.

Darcy stared a moment, then burst into laughter. “You don’t let grass grow under your feet when you decide you want something.”

“Rio snatched you up within hours of meeting you despite your brother’s threats to take him down. I’ve known Kristi for a few years.”

“I’m glad you wised up, then.”

Kristi’s gaze shifted to Rafe. His interest in her had more to do with availability than wisdom. Rafe wasn’t in a committed relationship with Callie now. She sighed. Kristi still missed her friend.

The rest of Wolf Pack entered the room, drawing Kristi’s thoughts away from the past.

Darcy smiled at the black ops team. “The kitchen’s open, guys. Rio will be here soon with dinner. I have soft drinks, water, and iced green tea.” At their groans, she laughed. “I also have coffee in the cabinet. You can make a pot. If you want regular iced tea, I can make some for you.”

“Don’t go to any trouble, Darcy.” Jackson gave her a one-armed hug. “We can fend for ourselves. You should get off your feet, though.”

She patted his arm. “I’m fine, but thanks for the concern. I’ll return after I find clothes for Kristi.”

When Darcy left the kitchen, Kristi turned to the medic. “Is Darcy sick?”

“She has an autoimmune disease. Rio keeps close tabs on her to make sure Darcy doesn’t overdo it. When his team is deployed, the other operatives in town watch out for her as do the wives of his teammates.”

“How can I help?” She might be tired after her ordeal, but that was nothing compared to fighting your own immune system all the time.

Rafe cupped her shoulders. “We’ll all help Darcy.”

The front door opened. Rafe drew his weapon and three members of Wolf Pack formed a wall in front of Kristi while Cal stepped to the doorway Darcy had walked through as though positioning himself to protect her, too.

Had more kidnappers had found her already? Her stomach knotted. Kristi didn’t want to endanger Darcy. Maybe she should insist that Rafe and the others take her home tonight.

But Rafe hadn’t slept at all overnight. Every time she woke in the hospital, he was alert at her bedside. She suspected that he’d insist on driving to Bakerhill to watch for trouble and take evasive action if necessary.

“It’s Rio. I’m coming in soft.” Seconds later, Rio walked in with two large bags filled with takeout containers. He set the bags on the kitchen counter. “Delaney’s special for everyone except Darcy. Plastic utensils along with napkins are in the bags, too.” He looked around. “Where’s Darcy?”

“She’s getting clothes for me,” Kristi said, then turned to Rafe. “I need my bags from the Sandoval as well as my SUV.”

“We’ll take care of it. How to do that safely will be part of our discussion after dinner.”

“I’ll check on Darcy,” Rio said. “The takeout box marked with a D is hers. The rest of the boxes contain the special of the day.”

Except for Rafe, Wolf Pack surged toward the bags on the counter. When Kristi started to rise, Rafe held her in place with a hand to her shoulder. “I’ll get yours. What do you want to drink?”

She handed him her empty glass. “Iced herbal tea.”

He kissed the top of her head and headed to the counter. When he returned with a takeout container and utensils for her, Darcy and Rio walked into the kitchen, holding hands.

Kristi smiled. That’s the kind of relationship she wanted, a true partnership with a man she adored. Her gaze shifted to Rafe. Would he be that kind of partner?

She cautioned herself to slow down. Their relationship was so new they hadn’t been on one date. Unless, of course, she counted running for their lives through a disgusting dank cave and racing down a mountainside with stone-cold killers hunting her.

How he’d handled the kidnappers and the way he treated her proved Rafe Torres was a man of honor, one any woman would be proud to call her own. Butterflies took flight in her stomach. Rafe gave her the right to call him hers.

“This is my favorite meal at Delaney’s,” Cal said to Rio.