Although skeptical, David complied with the request, repeating the sequence of events along with his observations.
Jordan sighed. “Ms. Tucker, what did you see?”
A pause. “What do you mean, nothing? The vehicle exploded in your line of sight.”
“In David’s line of sight, not mine. He asked me to sit on the floor until we were out of the city. My view this morning consisted of carpet and a very handsome driver.”
“Please,” the agent muttered. “That’s just embarrassing.”
She smiled. “Which part? The carpet or the driver description?”
David chuckled.
“Now you’re just messing with me,” Jordan complained. “All right, Montgomery. I’ll push for a warrant. Troll your sources for information. If you find something, I need a trail to follow that will hold up in court. Understand?”
“Copy that.” David ended the call. “You okay?” he asked the woman in his arms.
She shook her head. “The Marshals died to keep me safe. I feel so bad for their families.”
He tightened his arms. “They were doing their jobs.”
“They paid dearly for it, and now, so will their wives, children, parents, and siblings. I can’t believe someone hates me enough to want me dead.”
“Hate’s the wrong word. He’s afraid of you and what you might remember. Because of the fear, he wants to eliminate the threat that you might talk.”
“But I didn’t see enough.”
“You saw more than you remember, and your subconscious is protecting you until you’re ready to deal with the truth. That’s one reason he wants you dead.”
“There are more reasons?”
Yeah, there was at least one more, a reason Emma wasn’t ready to hear. Soon, though. “Perhaps.”
She stared. “If your intention was to make me feel better, you failed. So, what sources do you plan to tap for information?”
“I know two men who might be able to get what we need.”
“Call them.”
“The information won’t be obtained through legal channels,” he warned. He should feel guilty about that since he was in law enforcement. He didn’t. Jordan could have the collar. All David wanted was Emma’s safety.
“I don’t consider that a problem,” she said, “but you and Agent Jordan will. I want this man stopped so no other innocents are murdered. I want to go to the movies with you, take walks in the rain, and talk on the phone with you overnight when you’re running patrols.” She rested her head against his chest. “I don’t want to be afraid anymore, David. I don’t know what it means to sleep the whole night now. Every unexplained noise has me reaching for my Go bag, ready to dive out a window or into an escape tunnel. That’s no way to truly live.”
“We’ll get there.” He watched her a moment, hating what he’d have to put her through in the next few minutes. If it wasn’t necessary, he would find another way to obtain the information he needed. He’d already studied the police report on the Tuckers’ deaths. Local law enforcement had conveniently neglected to mention the woman who lived to tell the tale, no doubt a favor to the FBI to protect their only surviving witness. Delaying the inevitable, however, wouldn’t aid either of them. “Tell me about the day the Butcher attacked you and your family.”
She flinched. “Why?”
“I have questions only you can answer.”
“Some witness I am. I can’t remember the critical piece of information that would set me free and lead to the capture of a demented killer.”
He captured her lips in a soft kiss. “Please, tell me what happened.”
Emma sighed. “Where do I start?”
“When you first woke up that morning. Run me through your day. I’ll stop you when I need clarification.” Knowing she would need the beauty surrounding her to get through her recitation of events, David gently turned Emma at an angle so she faced the foliage while her back rested against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her waist. “Is this okay?”