“Don’t need it, Wells.”
“You don’t understand who you’re going up against.”
“The Butcher is the one who should be wary.”
“Come on,” Wells sneered. “A few hired thugs can’t help you deal with a serial killer.”
“Their security clearance is higher than yours, and they’re highly-trained black ops warriors.”
The agent looked surprised. “Who are they?”
“You have a leak or a mole,” David said.
Wells shook his head.
When David continued to stare at him, the agent swallowed hard. “Maybe. You must move Emma. You can’t trust your ranch security. Sure, you caught me, but I didn’t intend to hurt Emma. The Butcher wants her dead and doesn’t care who he hurts to accomplish his goal.”
“If you have a leak or a mole inside the FBI, the Butcher should know Emma can’t identify him.”
The agent dropped his gaze to his coffee mug.
David’s eyes narrowed. “That information isn’t in the file, is it?”
Again, no response.
The silence told David what he needed to know. “Where’s your car, Wells?”
“In the woods a mile from the ranch.”
David glanced at Owen.
His brother laid a hand on Wells’ shoulder. “Let’s go.”
The agent scowled. “I want to help.”
“Your job is to catch the killer, Wells, not protect Emma.”
After a glance at David, he sighed and nodded. Wells headed for the door with Owen at his heels.
After Owen and Wells left, Eli said, “Do we move Emma now or stick to the original plan?”
He considered his options. “My gut says to stick to the original plan. We don’t know how much information Wells will report to Jordan. Emma is safe for the moment. However, we should rethink the location for a safe house.”
Jon held up his hand. “Wait.” He glanced at Eli. “Electronics,” he murmured.
Rafe set his coffee mug on the table and left the room. He returned a moment later with a black gadget in his hand. While he walked around the room, the rest of the occupants remained silent. When he’d nearly completed the circuit, Rafe paused in front of the doorway. The chaser lights on the electronic gadget turned red.
David filled a juice glass with water and handed it to Rafe. The operative turned from the doorway with a small black listening device on the palm of his hand. He dropped the bug into the water.
Rafe completed his circuit of the room. “Clear.”
“Someone planted a bug in your house,” Jon said. “That person knows our plans for watch shifts and the perimeter alarms you set up. Emma shouldn’t remain in this house.”
“Agreed. Suggestions? We can’t use Emma’s childhood home now.”
Jon and Eli looked at each other, then Wolf Pack’s leader said, “Let me make a phone call. While I do that, check on Emma.” He glanced at his team. “Search the house for electronic surveillance. Be ready to go in fifteen minutes.” He opened the back door and stepped outside on the deck.
David returned to the safe room. As soon as he stepped inside, Emma rushed into his arms. He hugged her tight.