She deliberately glanced around the room as she set aside her laptop and purse. “Looks like someone is celebrating already. Are the flowers for Ruth?”
He shook his head. “I bought them for you.”
Stunned, she crossed the open space between them and cupped his face between her palms. “I appreciate the extravagance. I would have been happy with one bouquet.”
“You deserve everything, Bridget.”
How had she caught this special man’s attention? “Thank you.” She kissed him slowly and thoroughly. By the time she lifted her mouth from his, Trace’s eyes were heated, his cheeks flushed, and his breathing erratic.
“You’re potent,” he murmured. “And distracting. You’re messing up my grand plan, Monihan.”
Hmm. That sounded intriguing. “Sorry. How can I get us back on track?”
He threaded his fingers through hers and tugged her toward the dining room. “Come with me.”
Bridget stopped again at the entrance to the dining room. The table was set for two with china plates, crystal glasses, silver flatware, and another flower arrangement. Three large candles were already lit, giving the room a warm glow. The scent of Italian food filled the air, making her stomach growl. “Trace, this looks amazing. Why did you go to so much trouble?”
“Tonight is special.” He pulled out a chair for Bridget and sat beside her. He lifted her hand to his lips. As he did, she felt the tremor in his.
Bridget’s stomach knotted. What was going on? Shadow’s sniper was renowned for having ice in his veins. In the time she’d known him, nothing had rattled him.
“The day I met you was the best day of my life.”
Her heart melted, love swelling inside her. “Trace.”
“That’s the day I really started to live. You brought me from the darkness into the light, Bridget. I love you more than I thought I would love anyone. You understand me.” He smiled. “And love me anyway.”
She grinned. Trace was a bear when he couldn’t train. He wasn’t a good patient.
“You mean more to me than anything or anyone,” he continued as he reached into his pocket. “I bought you a couple of things.”
Trace drew out a long, thin box. “When you wear this, I hope it reminds you that you own my heart for eternity.” He opened the box and turned it around for her to see a necklace with a heart-shaped sapphire.
“It’s beautiful. How did you know I love sapphires?”
“A little bird told me.”
“The bird’s name wouldn’t happen to be Ruth, would it?”
“Maybe.” He winked at her before setting the box aside and reaching again into his pocket. This time, the box fit into the palm of his hand, the shape distinctive.
Bridget’s heartbeat soared into overdrive. Was the gift what she hoped it was?
“I want to spend the rest of my life holding you, loving you, caring for and protecting you. I want to be your shelter when danger threatens. I want to go to sleep with you in my arms and wake with your head against my heart. I love you, Bridget Monihan.” He opened the box and pulled out a ring of white gold with small diamonds circling the band and surrounding the main stone, a large sapphire. “Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
“Oh, yes.” Bridget held out her hand for Trace to slide the ring over her finger. The stones sparkled in the candlelight as he lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. “Please tell me we aren’t going to wait long.”
Trace laughed. “Not a chance. I want to wait until I can carry you across the threshold on our wedding night. Attila the Hun says I should be able to reach that goal in two months. Is that soon enough?”
She captured his mouth in a long, deep kiss. By the time they separated, their control was a nascent thing. “This will be the longest two months of my life.”
He grinned. “Waiting will be worth it. I want to do this right. What we have between us is too precious to rush.”
Precious. Perfect word to describe a lifelong relationship based on love, friendship, and mutual respect. Bridget admired the ring. Trace’s heart, though, was the greatest gift he’d given her. Never would she take that for granted. “I love you, Trace.”
Time to begin the next phase of building a life together. She couldn’t think of a better man to share her life with.