She assessed the outfit and shoes with a critical eye and deemed them appropriate for the evening’s party and to defend herself with the tricks Veronica, Sam, and Trace had taught her. She’d been uneasy about Hugo’s dinner party ever since she woke wrapped tight in Trace’s arms.
Waking to the sound of his heartbeat under her ear was something she could get used to in a hurry. Yes, that feeling had developed too soon and made her question the connection she felt to Trace. It couldn’t be real. Could it?
She longed to start their dating relationship in earnest to find out if the feelings were the real deal. Would their connection hold when they weren’t in the middle of a dangerous situation? Only time would tell. However, Bridget believed the strong emotion generated by the sniper would stand the test of time. Whether their feelings evolved into a soul-deep love that she longed to experience was anyone’s guess.
A knock sounded at the bedroom door. “Time to go, Bridget.”
Trace’s deep voice caused her heart skipped a beat. “One minute,” she called.
After checking that her comm device was in place and invisible, Bridget slipped the pen, lipstick, and her cell phone into a hidden pocket of her black pants. The mid-thigh length black tunic adorned with exquisite embroidery and lace covered the pocket and, combined with the pants, gave her complete freedom of movement while being elegant enough to satisfy Hugo’s requirement for formal attire.
Bridget squared her shoulders. She could run if she had to, but running better be an option, not a necessity. She wasn’t a fan of running on her best day. Doing it with taped ribs and lingering effects of a head injury would be painful.
She opened the door and goggled at the sight of Trace Young in a tuxedo. Oh, wow. With his muscular build and clean-cut good looks, he could easily model for a magazine cover.
“You look incredible. I’ll be the envy of every man at this dinner tonight.”
Her lips curved. “Thank you.”
Trace escorted her to the SUV and tucked her inside. After checking for any new hidden electronic or explosive devices, he drove from the garage.
Although he kept a close eye on their surroundings, Trace held her hand on the way to Hugo’s hacienda, raising her hand to his lips occasionally to kiss her knuckles. Good grief. This amazing man was a definite keeper. “May I ask you a question?”
He glanced at her before returning his attention to the road. “Shoot. I’ll answer if I can.”
Right. In his current line of work and his military career, he operated in a world of secrecy. “You know all about my family, my job, and my pathetic dating life. What about yours?”
“There isn’t much to tell.”
“About which part?”
“My family and dating life. I grew up in the foster care system. My father murdered my mother in front of me when I was six. He died in prison. I was an only child, so no siblings.”
“No one adopted you?”
“Prospective parents wanted babies, not a traumatized little boy who didn’t speak for three years.”
Bridget squeezed his hand, sorry now that she’d given in to curiosity. “I didn’t mean to bring up painful memories, Trace. I’m sorry.”
One shoulder lifted. “No way for you to know.”
“What about your dating life?”
“A long string of one-time dates and only two women who interested me enough to date for a couple of months each.”
Oh, boy. “What happened to those relationships?”
A muscle in his jaw jerked. “One woman wasn’t who she appeared to be. The longer we dated, the more demanding, catty, and possessive she became. Her insistence on me attending high-powered political fund raisers with her where I was at risk of being photographed was the last straw.”
Unbelievable. “And the second woman?”
“She was a homebody, which I loved. However, she insisted that I be home as well. She couldn’t handle my unexpected disappearances and long absences with no explanations about where I’d been or what I did while I was gone.”
“They were idiots. I’m not.” Conscious of Trace’s teammates listening in on the comm system, Bridget refrained from commenting further.
He slid her a solemn look. “No, you aren’t. Having met you, I understand what the problem was. They weren’t you.”
That simple statement stole her breath and changed everything. Trace thought she was the right woman? Good thing because Bridget believed he was the right man for her.