Page 96 of Shadow Undercover

Nico collected Trace and Bridget’s purchases. “Where are you parked? I’ll carry your bags for you. Looks like your woman could use assistance getting to your car.”

Trace inclined his head toward his black SUV parked in the next row. He tucked Bridget against his side and walked with her to their vehicle. Once he had her safely out of the line of fire, he stored their clothes and shoes in the cargo area and shook Nico’s hand as though thanking him for his assistance.

“Straight to the hotel,” Nico murmured. “We’ll watch your six.”


Trusting that his teammates made sure Hugo’s man hadn’t planted a bug or a bomb in the vehicle, Trace cranked the engine and drove the few blocks to the hotel.

Bridget met Trace at the rear of the SUV and helped him gather their gear. They hurried to the stairwell and took the stairs to their suite.

Ben turned from his watch position at the balcony. He glanced at Bridget and frowned. “What happened?”

“I’ll tell you in a minute.” Trace took their clothes and shoes to the bedroom. He laid their clothes across the bed in her room and set the boxes of shoes on the floor before returning to the living room. Bridget remained rooted in place, her face devoid of expression.

She looked like she was going into shock. Trace wrapped his arms around Bridget again. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

“I’m fine.”

Trace still wasn’t sure he believed her.

“What’s going on?” Ben asked.

“Some clown tried to run us down in the parking lot of a clothing store a few minutes ago.” He urged Bridget to sit on the couch while they waited for Jake and Nico to arrive and pulled out his phone. He’d just finished texting Zane the license plate of the SUV and asked his friend to track down the owner when a knock sounded on the door.

Ben admitted Nico and Jake. The medic walked inside carrying his mike bag.

“Let’s go,” Jake said to Trace. He inclined his head toward the bedroom.

Bridget’s head lifted from Trace’s chest, worry filling her eyes. “You’re hurt?”

“The SUV clipped me. I’m fine.”

“Go,” Nico ordered. “Bridget will feel better when Jake confirms your assessment. Ben and I will stay with her.”

After dropping a quick kiss on her lips, Trace followed the medic into the bedroom and shut the door.

“Any injuries other than the leg?” Jake asked.

Trace shook his head.

“All right.” The medic’s lips curved slightly. “Drop them, tough guy. I need to check your leg.” A couple minutes later, he declared that Trace’s assessment was accurate. “You’ll have a pretty bruise by the end of the day. Shouldn’t be any worse than the bruises we acquire during training. Ice for twenty minutes every two hours. Take OTCs as you need them to make sure you’re mobile tonight. Want me to check your girl?”

“Please.” He wanted to be sure he hadn’t screwed up too badly. How could she trust him to protect her after this?

Jake opened the door. “Your turn, Bridget.”

“I’m not hurt.”

“I’ve heard that story before. Come on. Checking you for injuries won’t take long but will help Trace’s peace of mind.”

Bridget appeared in the doorway. “You’re all right?” she asked Trace.

“A bruise. Ice and OTC pain meds.” He squeezed her hand as he passed her on the way to the living room. Trace shut the door and paced while Nico and Ben watched him, amusement on their faces.

Yeah, he was overreacting. But this was a woman he cared about a great deal. She’d already proved she was tough. He wouldn’t be surprised if Bridget had brushed off a bruise or cut because she was more worried about him.

A few minutes later, Bridget and Jake left the bedroom.