Page 73 of Shadow Undercover

Trace’s hand stopped cruising down Bridget’s back as protectiveness surged to the forefront. Shadow completed two missions in that city. They didn’t have friends in the area. If they were caught, they were dead and so was Bridget. He glanced at his teammates, all silent and still.

“I take it you’re familiar with the town,” Rafe said.

“You could say that.” Joe wrapped an arm around Sam’s shoulders and snugged her against his side with a protective hold, voice grim.

“Hugo owns a large house outside the city.”

“I didn’t find real estate holdings in Mexico for Hugo,” Bridget said.

“He bought property under a fake name. The city and province government have a flexible interpretation of the rules.”

“Send Trace the name Hugo used and I’ll search for further property holdings.”


“Bridget is a new Fortress employee.”

“I’ll send you what I have. What’s the plan?”

“We’re going after Hugo, his organization, and the chlorine gas.” The chemicals were too dangerous to fall into the wrong hands again. “The gas was taken from the plant in La Perla. The plant personnel are best equipped to deal with the chemicals.”

“You’re going undercover as a hitman, huh?”

“It seemed the quickest way to learn where he was.” His lips curved. “Didn’t count on your fast response. I can’t back out now without raising his suspicions.”

“Never underestimate the mystique and persuasive powers of a Navy SEAL.”

Ben grinned while the other operatives protested.

“Ruth Monihan in Hugo’s clutches is an incentive to call in favors.”

“Ben and I talked to your cousin last night.”

“Which one? I have a million of them.” He chuckled. “My family loves kids and believes more is better.”

“Juan Gutierrez.”

“Haven’t seen him in a while. Where did you meet him?”

“Staking out Bridget’s house.”

Silence greeted his statement for a moment. “Are you all right, Bridget?”

“I’m fine.” She glanced at Trace who nodded. Trace had planned to contact Rafe about Juan anyway.

“Juan isn’t interested in me. He wanted pictures of my sister bad enough that he broke in and stole them while I was in Chile.”

“I’ll talk to him,” came the grim response. “It won’t happen again.”

“Before you tear a verbal strip off his hide, you should know Juan’s interested in being a bodyguard,” Ben said.

“Fat chance of that happening if he has a record.”

“We warned him about that,” Trace said. “We also encouraged him to contact you for more information and to start his physical training regimen.”

“Yeah, all right. I’ll give him some pointers. What Juan does with the information is up to him. Did you turn him in to the cops?”

“No. We let him off the hook with a verbal reprimand. Fair warning. If he pulls that stunt again, I’ll take him down hard. I won’t tolerate a threat to Bridget.”