Yeah, he was going to need a long, hot shower himself once this mission was complete. Trace’s skin crawled with the ugliness of Hugo’s declaration and his attitude. “If she’s reluctant to marry you, why not find a woman who is more amenable? There are plenty of beautiful women all over the world. One of them would be thrilled to be your wife.”
“Roxanne belongs to me,” Hugo insisted. “If I can’t have her, no man will.”
Obsessive, much? “Do you want me to bring the leverage to you?”
“I want you to kill her.”
“Roxanne’s sister, Bridget. She will be a problem.”
“The women are close. Bridget traveled to my home country to question my father about me. She won’t give up. I can’t allow her to bring unwanted eyes to my marriage. That is why no one will see my wife except for the reception and any necessary functions. I must have time to train Roxanne, to teach her the rules of behavior as the wife of a man of my status. With the right amount of pleasure and pain, she will be trained soon as the perfect companion.”
Trace stared, not believing the stream of garbage coming from the crime boss’s mouth. Did he really believe that drivel?
Trace heard Bridget gasp and stilled. A reaction to the threats coming from Hugo or was she in trouble? Trace was prepared to go to her aid. While Hugo droned on about how important he was and the elevated status Roxanne would hold if she learned to be a proper wife, Trace kept track of Nico’s interaction with Bridget.
Bridget wasn’t in immediate danger, but Ruth had screamed. The Fortress operatives needed to whisk Ruth from this house and back onto US soil. What was taking Ben so long? Finally, he heard the words he’d been waiting for from his friend.
“In position.”
“Ben, go.”
Two minutes. The mission clock began to tick in Trace’s head. A knock sounded on the door. Trace straightened as Fernando stalked into the room. His blood ran cold. Where was Bridget?
Hugo scowled. “Where is Ms. Ramsey? I asked Benito to bring her to me.”
“Mr. Torino, we might have a problem at the warehouse,” Fernando said.
The crime boss shoved away from the desk. “What do you mean, there might be a problem? I told you to double the guards and for them to be heavily armed.”
“I followed your orders, sir. But Augusto isn’t answering his cell phone.”
“Call one of the other guards.”
“I have, sir. All of them. No one is picking up.”
Vile curses spilled from Hugo’s lips. “Take five men and check the warehouse. The deal has been made and the funds transferred. The product is to be moved to the tunnel at midnight. Wallace’s people will be waiting for delivery at the other end.” Fury burned in the depths of his eyes. “If there is a problem at the warehouse, you will be held responsible and will pay dearly. Am I clear, Fernando?”
The bulky man paled at the threats from his employer. “Yes, sir.”
“Where is Bree Ramsey?”
“In the hall, admiring your art work, sir.”
“Bring her to me before you leave.”
As Fernando turned to carry out his boss’s bidding, the lights flickered and went out, plunging the room into utter darkness.
Hugo spat out another curse. “What now? Fernando, find out what’s going on before you head to the warehouse. Send Benito to me. I don’t like this. Something is wrong.”
“I shouldn’t leave you alone, Mr. Torino. You might need assistance.”
“You have your orders. I’m able to protect myself. Do as I say. I will retrieve Ms. Ramsey myself.”
“Yes, sir.” Fernando left, closing the door behind him.