“What are Randy’s chances of survival?”
“Not good. He suffered substantial blood loss. His life depends on the skill of the trauma surgeon and a boatload of luck.”
“I don’t like the guy, but he doesn’t deserve this.” Russell speared Delilah with a pointed glance. “Why did you and Rainer offer Holloway a ride? Did you set him up for this?”
Matt stiffened, his gaze hard.
Delilah gripped Matt’s hand. She didn’t want the medic punching the police detective. “I wanted to give Randy the money my mother left him in her will. You’ll find the check I wrote in his wallet.”
“What about you, Rainer? You haven’t denied being willing to kill to protect your girlfriend. Is this your handiwork?”
Matt scoffed. “You must think I can be in two places at once. Again, the shot was fired from across the street with a rifle. Delilah and I were ten feet behind Holloway. I didn’t shoot him.”
“A couple officers reported a confrontation between you and Holloway outside the station. Maybe this is a case of payback.”
“Holloway insulted Delilah. I called his hand on it. He apologized. That was the end of it.”
“And if it hadn’t been the end?”
“He would have gotten a black eye, not a bullet in the chest.”
“What about your teammate, Cade? I’m sure he’s more than capable of making the shot.”
“He’s in our hotel room with his wife, recovering from his shoulder injury. You’re barking up the wrong tree, Detective. Don’t waste your time and ours trying to pin this on us.”
“This is a quiet neighborhood with several retirees and stay-at-home moms. Someone will have seen something. If you’re lying to me, I’ll find out.”
“The neighbors will corroborate our story. Are we free to go? Delilah and I need to check on Holloway and we have some errands to run.”
The detective moved back a step. “Stay available. I will have more questions.”
Matt helped Delilah with her seatbelt and circled to climb behind the wheel. As he turned at the corner, Delilah glanced in the side mirror to see Detective Russell watching them leave, suspicion clear on his face.
“He doesn’t believe us.”
“Would you? We’ve been involved in too many incidents in the past few days and cops are naturally suspicious.”
“Detective Russell can’t seriously think we’re to blame. I have no motive. According to Mom’s will, I inherit everything. Why do I need to kill Randy or the rest of my family?”
“People kill for more reasons than money.” He glanced at her. “Your family bullied and verbally abused you. Some would take this opportunity to make the abusers pay.”
“My mother is punishing them where they’ll feel it the most. In their wallets.” As angry as she had been at their unfair and cruel treatment, Delilah had never wished them ill. Despite everything, she still loved her brother and mother. The cousins, she tolerated.
“Let’s check on Randy first, then we’ll go to O’Shea’s.” He called Trent for an update on Cade and reported Randy’s injury. “Delilah and I are on the way to the hospital. We have an errand to run, then I’ll take Delilah to lunch and talk to the lawyer. He has some explaining to do.”
“Watch your back. I don’t want to be down two team members.”
“Yes, sir.”
Minutes later, they walked into the emergency room and approached the information desk. “We’re here for Randy Holloway,” Matt said.
“Are you family?”
“I’m his stepdaughter,” Delilah said. She should have called Zach and her cousins. Everything had happened so fast.
“Have a seat in the waiting room and I’ll check his status for you.”
Matt escorted Delilah to seats against the wall where he could watch the nurse at the desk as well as the exits. The action made her smile. This would be her life. Matt and his teammates were always prepared for the worst. A good thing. He’d saved her life more than once since this crazy journey began.