Matt sipped his coffee. “Sweet rifle.” Also, one capable of firing the rounds at Delilah at the hotel.
A slow nod. “It does the job.”
“I hear you’re part of an exclusive shooting club.”
“That’s not a crime.”
“Guess you’re good with a rifle.”
He snorted. “I better be if I’m a hunting guide.” Shane tilted his head. “What are you getting at, Rainer?”
“Your buddies, the Randolphs, shot up Baxter’s with us in the restaurant. Later that night, someone shot at Delilah on the balcony of our hotel.”
“What does that have to do with me?”
“The shooter left behind brass from a .308. You know anything about that?”
A scowl. “Why should I? Hope you’re not accusing me of trying to kill my cousin. My lawyer might have something to say about that.”
“I’m stating facts and asking questions, Frost. Wouldn’t you do the same if your woman had a target on her back?”
Shane’s gaze sharpened. “I would do anything it took to protect her.”
“Then you understand why I have questions.”
“Are you good at your job, Rainer?”
Where was he going with this? “If I wasn’t, I’d be dead by now and so would my teammates.”
“What exactly do you do for Fortress?”
“I’m a medic.” Among other things. All Fortress operatives were cross-trained. Although Matt wasn’t in the same league with Liam, he was also trained as a sharpshooter.
“You have the same training as your alpha teammates?”
Shane thought Matt had a beta personality? Unbelievable. “I’m as well-trained as my unit.”
“Maybe one day I’ll see you in action.”
“Where were you two nights ago between nine and eleven?”
“With my lady friend. Don’t ask her name. I won’t tell you who she is.” A smile. “She’s shy.”
Delilah huffed out a breath. “Harmony isn’t a thriving metropolis. Do you really think you can keep her identity a secret?”
Shane laughed. “You’d be surprised what I can do, cousin. Where’s my check?”
“Evan must have hit speed dial as soon as we left his house,” she muttered. Delilah dug the check from her pocket and slid it across the table.
“You’ve fulfilled your obligation. Are you leaving town now, Dee?”
“Anxious to get rid of me?”
He lifted one shoulder in a lazy shrug. “Curious. We are related, after all.”
Under the table, Matt squeezed Delilah’s hand in warning. He didn’t want to share too much information with her family. Better to keep them all guessing about Delilah’s movements.
“I still have loose ends to tie up with Mom’s estate.”