Page 81 of Under Fire

After another bout of sickness, Cade quieted and his color improved. Exhausted, his friend fell into a light sleep. Matt slipped from the room, leaving the door ajar.

Sasha dropped her sandwich on her plate and stood. “Any change?”

“Finish your meal. Cade’s better. He has an anti-nausea patch behind his ear and he’s sleeping.”

Liam poured a mug of coffee and handed it to Matt. “Prognosis?”

“Full recovery with an eight-week healing period. Nate’s agreed to cover if we’re deployed.”

Trent turned away from the French doors. “You need room service for yourself?”

Matt shook his head. He turned to Delilah. “Did you tell them about the truck?”

His team leader straightened as Delilah shook her head. “You ran into trouble?”

“Zane hacked traffic cams and managed to catch the plate. The truck is registered to Delilah’s brother.”

Trent frowned. “That explains why I never saw him leave his house.”

“House?” Delilah sat up straighter. “Zach owns a house?”

“A nice one outside of town. You didn’t know?”

“The last time I heard, he lived in an apartment.”

“I’ll text you his address.” Trent turned to Matt. “You confirm the brother was driving?”

“Nope. Tinting was too dark or the sun glared off the windshield. The odd thing was Zach never approached or threatened us. He just followed us around until I lost him.”

“You plan to confront him tonight?”

“Zach will keep until tomorrow.”

Sasha pushed her empty plate aside. “I’ll sit with him. Finish your coffee, Matt.”

Although he wanted to encourage Sasha to give herself a longer break, Matt didn’t waste his breath. If the situation was reversed, he would be as anxious to return to Delilah’s side. “I’ll be in soon.”

With a nod, Sasha returned to her husband’s side.

“You’re off night watch tonight.” Trent turned back to the French doors. “Rest when you can. Simon, Liam, decide who gets the next watch and relieve me in four hours.”

Thirty minutes later, Matt checked on Cade. His color had improved and he was still sleeping. If the nausea remained at bay, Cade might avoid another IV.

“How is he?” Sasha whispered.

“Better. If you’re tired, lay beside him. He’ll rest easier with you close. I’ll be back in another hour.”

“Thanks, Matt.”

Throughout the night, Matt checked Cade every hour. Liam took over the watch at 1:00, his eyebrows rising when he spotted Delilah curled into a corner of the couch.

Matt shrugged. He’d tried to convince Delilah to go to bed, but she insisted he might need her and wanted to be available. She’d fallen asleep a few minutes past midnight.

When the sun peeked over the horizon with hints of a beautiful summer day to come, Sasha entered the living room. Matt rose, fatigue dragging at him.

“Cade’s awake and hungry.”

Simon turned from the French doors, a smile on his face. “Great news. I’ll order room service while you help him shower, Matt.”