Page 70 of Under Fire

“With Trish. I spent the night at her place. She lives outside Harmony.”

“Didn’t want to give your wife’s lawyer more ammunition?”

“I answered your question. Leave.”

“What do you know about Zach, Evan, and Shane?”

He blinked. “They aren’t as close to each other as they used to be. Michelle’s illness has been tough on your family. Of course, you wouldn’t know that since you haven’t bothered to come back to town in years.”

“Been busy earning a living. Some of us legitimately earn our wages.”

Outrage filled his face. “I work hard raising money for charity which is more than I can say for you.”

She gave a nod. “You’re right. I don’t raise money for charity. I just write them a check every month. Something tells me you haven’t spent a penny of your own money to help out underprivileged children.”

“Why do you want to know about your own family from me? Ask them yourself.”

“I plan to do that, but it’s hard to believe what they tell me right now, Sebastian. Someone in my family or their circle of friends wants me dead. Since that circle includes you, you’re on the suspect list as well.”

Sebastian’s eyes widened. “You’re crazy.” His gaze darted to Matt. “Sorry. It doesn’t make sense, though. Zach and the cousins haven’t mentioned her in years.”

Delilah folded her arms across her chest. “Four attempts to kill me in three days says you’re wrong. Were you part of the conspiracy to murder me and my mother?”


On the street in front of Norris’s office building minutes later, Matt wrapped his arm around Delilah’s waist and tucked her against his side. “Are you all right?”

“I can’t believe I’ve been afraid of that lowlife since high school.” Disgust filled her voice. “He’s not worth one night of lost sleep. I’ve had too many sweat-filled nightmares featuring Sebastian and he’s a pitiful weasel.”

“Maybe now the nightmares will come less frequently. Aside from him being spineless, what’s your impression?”

“Pretty convenient alibi for the night I was attacked in Otter Creek. I think Trish would back him up no matter what he claimed. She appears to be head over heels for Sebastian. She should have better taste in men.”

He slid her a pointed look. “I don’t like to hear his name from your lips.”

She laughed, the sound tugging at his heart. Delilah should always laugh. When she laughed, Delilah became a being of unearthly beauty. “Kind of hard to talk about him without using his name. There are too many male players to not identify the man we’re talking about.”

“Why don’t we call him what he is? Pond scum.”

Delilah rolled her eyes. “I’ll try to remember that. Pond Scum has a nice alibi that no one can break if Trish doesn’t turn on him. I don’t believe he’s behind the attacks, Matt.”

He scowled. “Why not?”

“I know you want him to be, but like you said, he’s spineless. He hides behind his father and plays the big, important man in Harmony. He doesn’t have influence outside of this town. Why would anyone risk prison time to do him a favor? I don’t believe he was in Otter Creek. You saw him. He’s soft and out of shape. He wasn’t the man who cracked my ribs.”

“You didn’t see the second man. Pond Scum could have been hiding in your bedroom, leaving his accomplice to attack you. He’d still have the pleasure of knowing he caused you pain without touching you.” The idea made Matt seethe.

“Why bother with me after all these years? I haven’t been an active threat nor did I give the impression I wanted payback since I didn’t see him after high school.”

“If he’s still tied in to your brother and cousins, wouldn’t Pond Scum jump at the chance to torture you more?”

Delilah flinched. “Good point.”

He walked with her across the street to the coffee shop. “We need to stop by the bank. They need a copy of the lawyer’s letter.”

“Let’s do that before we go to my mother’s house. Randy should have moved by now.”

“If he followed the stipulations in your mother’s will.”