“The special today is iced strawberry green tea,” Sasha told Delilah. “It’s fantastic. I’d love to add this combination to my shop.”
“It sounds great.”
Matt seated her. “I’ll get one for you. Do you need chamomile mint as well?”
How did he know? She must have a flashing neon sign on her forehead. Either that or he was incredibly observant. “Both, please.”
He bent and brushed a kiss over her lips, then eyed his friend. “Need a refill?”
Cade nodded. “What about you, Sasha?”
“I want to try the iced green tea with orange.”
As Matt walked to the order counter, Cade said, “Everything okay, Delilah? You seem upset.”
“In the space of an hour, I’ve ticked off my mother’s lawyer and the police detective investigating her death.”
“Takes talent to accomplish that much in a short time.”
“Ha ha. By the way, Detective Russell wants you and Sasha to stop by the station to sign your statements. Do yourselves a favor and don’t antagonize the man. He’s already angry at me and Matt.”
“What happened?” Sasha gripped Delilah’s hand. “You don’t rattle easy and it’s obvious something has shaken you.”
Delilah leaned closer to her friends to keep from having to speak over the din of the crowd and attract unwanted attention. “Mom’s autopsy results are in. She was smothered to death.”
Cade frowned. “Your stepfather?”
“Russell is bringing him in for questioning, but Matt doesn’t think he’s guilty. He says it’s too easy.”
“He’s not the only suspect. Wouldn’t be wise to focus exclusively on him.”
Matt returned to their table with a tray of drinks. “Delilah tell you the latest?”
“Yeah.” Cade shook his head. “Hope the cops look at all the players.”
“They have cause to explore further.”
“Zane got back to you?”
Matt summarized the information he’d learned.
“You want us to stay on Norris?” Cade’s lips curved. “Sasha is becoming good friends with the coffee shop owner so I doubt she’ll mind if we stay here.”
“Go sign your statements. After that, visit a few shops and strike up conversations. I’d like to know if the Frosts are friends with anyone besides Norris and Cain. Delilah and I will track down Norris.”
Cade inclined his head toward the office building across the street to the right. “He went to work twenty minutes ago. He’s on the fourth floor, suite 410.” He grinned. “Tori, the coffee shop owner, doesn’t mind chatting with Sasha between waves of customers.”
Matt chuckled. “Guess you won’t need to leave the shop to strike up conversations.”
“I’ll see what I can find out on Tori’s next break.” Sasha sipped her tea and closed her eyes. “This is another winner. You’ll like this one, Delilah.”
“I’ll have to try that tomorrow.”
After she finished her mint tea, she glanced at Matt. “I’m ready to go. The sooner we confront Norris, the better.”
Matt swallowed the last of his coffee and gathered empty cups to toss in the trash. When he returned, he crouched by Delilah’s side. “If you want to stay here with the Ramseys, I can talk to Norris myself.” An edgy smile curved his lips. “I’d prefer to talk to him alone.”
She longed to take him up on his offer. Couldn’t, though. Not if she wanted to keep her self-respect. “I’m not a scared teenager anymore.” She was a terrified adult with a big, bad black ops soldier by her side. No matter what happened, she would handle whatever came. She’d come too far to back down now. Matt wouldn’t allow Sebastian to touch her again.