Page 62 of Under Fire

“Go shower, then tell us what happened overnight.”

Matt glanced at Delilah. “Okay if I use your bathroom? I don’t want to wake Cade.”

“Of course.”

He grabbed his bag and closed himself into her room.

“All right, ladies.” Liam handed them the menu. “Choose what you want. We’ll order for the rest of us.”

Delilah and Sasha perused the menu, made their selections, and handed the menu to the operatives. In short order, Trent called in their choices.

“Did you talk to Piper last night?” Delilah asked Liam.

He nodded. “She was shaken up by the vandalism.” His hands fisted. “I wish I was in town to help.”

“We all do,” Simon said. “Gator will take care of the repair work and Piper.”

That brought a scowl to the sniper’s face. “That doesn’t make me feel better.”

His friend gave an unrepentant grin. “You better step up your game, buddy. You know Gator’s a ladies’ man.”

Liam grabbed his phone and went to the balcony, closing the door behind him.

“And my matchmaking job’s finished for the day.” Simon slid onto a barstool.

Trent shook his head. “Gator won’t be happy if Liam punches him in the nose for moving on Piper.”

“Our boy shouldn’t have delayed this long. Gator’s not the only man from PSI interested in the lady. I’m trying to nudge Liam before he loses his chance.”

Trent snorted. “You can’t resist interfering. One of these days, that habit will bite you.”

Matt returned, dropping his bag by the bedroom door.

Bravo’s team leader pointed at the couch. “Park it, Rainer, and give us an update.” The rest of his teammates ranged themselves around the room with Liam on the balcony, keeping watch, phone pressed to his ear.

The medic sat with Delilah and summarized what he’d learned about Wicks from Detective Kelter. “I also sent a request to Z for more in-depth research on Delilah’s family and Sebastian Norris.”

“What’s your gut say?” Trent asked.

Matt shook his head. “Could be any of them. I doubt Holloway’s involved. Yeah, he’s a sleaze for cheating on Michelle. That doesn’t make him a killer. He’s also in terrible shape to have broken into Delilah’s house and hurt her.”

“Could have hired someone to do it,” Simon pointed out. “Maybe the Randolphs if they were in good enough shape.”

Delilah shuddered at the possibility one of the Randolph boys put his hands on her. Matt’s hold tightened.

“Their prints are in the system. If they hurt Delilah and left a print or DNA in her house, Rod will find it.”

“What about the shop? Who was responsible for the vandalism?”

Matt glanced down at her. “Could still be kids.”

“But you don’t believe that.”

He shook his head. “Hopefully, Nick will find evidence to pinpoint the person responsible for the damage to Wicks.”

Simon shook his head. “Wouldn’t hold your breath. All he or she had to do was wear gloves. I doubt he’ll find anything.”

“The traffic and security cams might give us something to go on,” Trent said. “If there’s anything to find, Zane will get it.”