Page 49 of Under Fire

“Private security, you say? What exactly does your company do?”

“We specialize in hostage retrieval and training bodyguards.”

Shannon’s face took on a pinched look. “I see. Stop by this evening about six. I should have your paperwork ready.”

A knock sounded on the door and Ms. Walters peered inside. “Mr. Shannon, your 11:30 is here.”

“Send him in, Cynthia. Delilah, I am sorry about your mother. I’ll help you in any way I can.”

Matt escorted Delilah to the outer office where Cade and Sasha waited. Sasha pressed Delilah’s iced tea into her hand. “Take a few sips. Looks like you need a boost.”

“If I was a coffee drinker, I’d be guzzling by the gallon.”

“Bad?” Cade asked in a low voice.

“Worse than I imagined.”

Matt noted Ms. Walter’s avid interest in the conversation. “Let’s go. We have other things to take care of.”

The beautiful assistant intercepted them. She smiled at Matt. “Is there anything else I can do for you? I’ll be happy to help in any way.” With a manicured hand on his arm and her bold gaze eating him up, she left no doubt as to the lengths she would go to satisfy him. Disgusted with her boldness, Matt shifted away from her touch. “No.” He ushered Delilah from the office without another word. Rude? Maybe. Matt hoped he made his point without being blunt. He preferred not to have more interaction with her. He didn’t like the uncertainty growing in Delilah’s eyes.

On the sidewalk, Delilah turned to Matt. “What else do we have to do?”

“Lunch first. Your banana is long gone by this point.” He got her moving toward a restaurant he’d noticed coming into town. The diner looked like a good option for everyone.

He also wanted her off the street. Matt’s skin was crawling with an awareness of at least one person watching them. As he passed a hardware store, he slowed as though to admire the power tools, his gaze scanning reflections in the glass.

Cade moved up beside him. “Problem?”


His friend was silent a few seconds. “Alley between the bank and the coffee shop.”

Matt searched the shadows. There. A figure lurking in the darkness shifted just enough to draw his attention. “Can you make out if it’s one of Delilah’s family?”

“No. Once we’re inside the restaurant, I’ll go out the back and circle around behind the alley. Hopefully, he’ll stay in place long enough for me to snap his picture.”

With a nod, Matt slid his arm around Delilah’s shoulders and urged her toward the restaurant.

“What’s going on?”

“We spotted someone watching us. Cade will try to snap a picture of the guy.”

When Delilah started to turn around, Matt propelled her forward. “We don’t want this guy to know we’re aware of him. He could rabbit before Cade’s close enough to see who it is.”

“Go with him. It could be the hotel shooter.”

He tucked her closer to his side. “Trust us to do our job. This is what we do and we’re good at it. Believe me when I say Cade can handle anything this clown might try.”

“I don’t want you or Cade hurt because of me.”

“Everything will be fine.” He opened the door to Baxter Family Restaurant and led Delilah inside. He requested a table at the back of the restaurant against a wall. Although the hostess gave him a strange look, she grabbed four menus and led them to a suitable table.

Cade leaned down and kissed Sasha before walking to a hallway to the left. The signs for the restrooms were visible. Anyone watching the operative would assume he was going to use the facilities.

The expression on Delilah’s face conveyed her worry for Cade’s safety. Matt covered her hand with his on the tabletop. “Check the menu to see if they serve the right food for you. If they don’t, we’ll go somewhere that does.”

She dropped her gaze to the plastic-covered menu and perused the list of dishes available. “I’ll be fine. How long will he be?”