A frown from the lawyer. “On the contrary, Zach. Your mother and sister spoke regularly on the phone.”
Delilah’s family stared at her.
“How much money did you sponge off her?” Zach’s face turned beet red. “You’re paying back every penny, Dee. You had no right to ask for money.”
“No money changed hands,” Shannon insisted. “If you’ll be quiet, I’ll explain the terms of your mother’s will. It won’t take long if I’m not interrupted.”
“Go on, then,” Randy said. “Keep your trap shut, Zach.”
“Yeah, yeah. Get on with it, Shannon. The sooner you finish, the sooner we can break whatever crazy will Dee talked Mom into signing.”
Evan and Shane chimed in with their agreement for the lawyer to get down to business.
With a scathing glance at the four men, Shannon said, “The terms of the will are simple. Michelle named Delilah as the executor of her estate.”
Four hostile gazes swung Delilah’s direction.
“The will stipulates that Randy, Zach, Evan, and Shane are to receive $50,000 a year for a period of five years. After that time, no more money will be forthcoming.”
Stunned silence filled the room, and Delilah prepared for a verbal explosion. She wasn’t disappointed. Seconds later, Randy jumped to his feet and slammed his palms on the desk. “This is outrageous. Michelle is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. She can’t cut me off with that measly amount of money for five years and then leave me high and dry. I’m her husband. There must be some mistake.”
Shannon was already shaking his head before Randy finished his rant. “I’m sorry. There is no mistake. This is what Michelle wanted.”
Ghostly white, Zach dragged a hand over his face. “Who gets the rest of the money?”
“You!” Evan shot to his feet and stalked toward Delilah. “She gave the rest to you, didn’t she?”
Matt was on his feet in an instant, his body blocking Evan’s access to Delilah. “Back off.”
“Or what?” Her cousin placed his hands and shoved. The medic didn’t budge which inflamed Evan further. Another shove, and this time Matt wrapped him up in a hold her cousin couldn’t break.
As Evan cursed and raged, struggling ineffectively against Matt, Shane leaped to his feet to go to his brother’s aid.
“Chill.” Matt adjusted his hold enough that a pained expression crossed Evan’s face. “Sit down,” he ordered Shane.
To Delilah’s amazement, although her cousin cursed softly he obeyed Matt.
“Let me go, you oaf.” Evan tried to lurch away again only to stop with a groan as the medic shifted his hold.
When his detainee ceased struggling, Matt said, “If you come after my woman again, I’ll take you down, hard. This is your only warning, Frost.”
“Who are you?” Zach spat out.
Matt inclined his head toward Delilah. “Hers.” He shoved Evan toward his seat. “Act like an adult or I’ll boot you out of here.”
Randy scrubbed his face with his hands. “What’s Dee supposed to do with the rest of the lottery money?”
“Delilah can do almost anything she wants with the money. Michelle included a few suggestions in the will.”
Zach’s eyes narrowed. “Then she can split the money between the five of us.”
“I’m afraid not.” Shannon grimaced. “According to the terms of the will, if she attempts to distribute more than the allotted amount, the rest of the money will be split between four charities and you will receive nothing further. If you contest the will, you will be cut off immediately and the five years of payouts will go to Delilah.”
“This is insane,” Shane snapped. “Aunt Michelle must have been out of her mind when she made that will. You should have stopped her, Shannon. Doesn’t that will have some statement about my aunt being of sound mind? She couldn’t have been when she made that. We’ll sue you for every penny you’re worth.”
The lawyer stiffened. “You’re free to pursue that option if you choose. The rule of law is behind me. No court in the country will side with you. If you want to waste what little money Michelle allotted for you this year, then by all means go ahead and find another lawyer.”
Randy dropped heavily into his chair. “Why? Why would my wife do this to me? After all I did for her over the years. Why would she stab me in the back this way?”