Before he could explain what he’d arranged, a light knock sounded on the door and Stella walked in with a bag.
She smiled at Delilah. “I’m glad you’re awake. I thought I’d have to leave the bag without having a chance to talk to you. How do you feel this morning?”
“Better than yesterday.” She glanced at Matt, blushing. “Matt’s been amazing.”
“I’m not surprised.” Stella set the bag on the table. “I brought clothes for the next few days plus your tennis shoes and all the toiletries I could find in your bathroom.”
“Thanks. Why did you pack so much?”
Stella glanced at Matt who shook his head slightly, then refocused on Delilah. “Your home is a crime scene. You won’t be able to enter the house for a couple days. When you’re allowed inside, I strongly suggest you have someone stay with you until we’re sure you’re safe.”
Shock rolled through Delilah at the detective’s words. If she couldn’t go home, where would she stay? With the shop barely turning a profit, she didn’t have money for a motel.
When she was allowed to return home, who could stay with her? All her women friends were married except Piper, her assistant at Wicks, and Delilah wasn’t comfortable asking her to stay with her. She also didn’t want to put another woman in danger. “Is asking someone to stay with me necessary?”
“Definitely. Something weird is going on, Delilah. Someone is out to harm you and I don’t want to lose you.”
“Don’t worry about Delilah’s safety.” Matt lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her palm. “Bravo has her covered.”
What did that mean? Security was his business, she reminded herself. Matt knew what he was doing. If he and his teammates had made arrangements, she didn’t have anything to worry about.
“I can see that.” Amusement danced in Stella’s eyes. “Rod and I will work the scene as fast as we can, but we don’t want to miss a clue that will help us nail the guys who hurt Delilah.”
“Do what you need to. We’ll cover Delilah as long as she’s at risk.”
“I hoped you’d say that.” She squeezed Delilah’s hand. “Stick with this one. He and his friends will keep you safe. In the meantime, Rod and I will do our best to figure out who these men are and toss them behind bars.”
Men? Delilah frowned. Had the detective misspoke? Only one man had attacked her.
“I need to go. I’m meeting my husband at PSI for breakfast before my shift.”
Matt’s stomach growled. “I’m sorry to miss it.”
Stella grinned. “See you later, Delilah.” And she left.
“You aren’t going to work today?”
“Your safety is my priority.”
“Matt, I don’t want you to get in trouble on my account.”
“I worked everything out with Trent. It’s fine.”
Still troubled by him missing work for her, she decided to pick her battles. If Rod and Stella didn’t have the man who attacked her in custody within a couple days, she would insist Matt return to PSI. He needed to train with his team. Delilah had overheard enough conversations between the Durango wives to know the men couldn’t miss many training sessions without affecting their job performance. The last thing she wanted was to be the cause of possible injury to Bravo team, especially Matt. “Have you eaten?”
“Liam brought me a sandwich from Delaney’s while you were sleeping. That was seven hours ago, though.”
“No wonder you’re hungry.” With his training schedule, Matt must be starving by now.
The door opened and Grace St. Claire entered the room. “I thought you might like a shower before Dr. Anderson stops by to check you, Delilah. That way you’ll be ready to go as soon as he releases you.”
Matt stood. “That’s my cue to visit with Simon. Call out if you need anything.” He dropped a light kiss on Delilah’s lips and left.
Grace grinned at Delilah. “Have something to tell me?”
“Matt says he’s crazy about me.”