Page 119 of Under Fire

When Matt walked her to Grace’s door, Delilah asked, “When will you pick me up?”

“According to a text from Cade, I won’t see you until tomorrow for the ceremony. Our friends have been busy. You’ll stay with Sasha and Cade tonight.”

Before he rang the bell, Matt wrapped his arms around Delilah and pulled her tight against his chest. “Tomorrow, you become Delilah Rainer and I can’t wait to slide my wedding band on your finger. One more night to be separated from you. You don’t know how much I want to fall asleep with you in my arms and wake with your beautiful face beside mine.”

She gave a soft laugh. “Can’t be more than how much I want the same thing. I love you, Matt.”

“I love you, too, sweetheart.” He captured her lips in a deep, intense kiss. When he lifted his head, Matt’s cheeks were flushed and his breathing erratic. He pressed the doorbell. When Grace opened the door, Matt squeezed Delilah’s hand and stepped back. “Enjoy yourself, Delilah. I’ll be waiting for you at the altar tomorrow.”

Grace drew Delilah inside and closed the door. “The others are here. We’re so happy for you and Matt. He’s an amazing man.”

“I think so, too.”

Sasha greeted her as she entered the large kitchen and brought Delilah into the circle of women who were married to members of Durango. As Del Cahill, Josh’s wife, released Delilah from a hug, she flinched.

“Del, are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

Ivy, her cousin, moved closer with her newborn, Savannah, sleeping on Ivy’s shoulder. “Are you in labor?”

“Maybe. I’m not sure. If the contractions continue, I’ll ask Josh to come get me.”

“How far apart are the contractions?” Grace asked.

“Five or six minutes.”

Delilah relaxed. Grace was a nurse. She would know what to do and when Del needed to head for the hospital.

“Are they consistent?”

“For the last hour, yes. Come on. Let’s eat while I have a chance and have Delilah open her gifts. If I’m in labor, I want something happy to think about later. Knowing that hunky Matt Rainer finally fell hard for a fantastic woman who happens to be a friend makes me happy.”

As the women laughed, she noticed Stella, Nate’s wife, slipping her phone from her pocket and firing off a text. Delilah hoped the Otter Creek detective was giving her husband, Nate, an update about Del. Since Bravo had invited the Durango to Matt’s bachelor party, Josh was with them and only minutes from Grace’s house.

Two hours later, Grace said, “Del, we have to call Josh. You need to go to the hospital.”

Del nodded as she clutched her stomach. “I think you’re right.”

“Looks like both parties are moving to the hospital,” Darcy said. “I’ll put the food away. Del, do you have your hospital bag ready?”

“It’s in the back bedroom. Josh makes me take it everywhere.”

“Turns out it was a smart move,” Quinn’s wife, Heidi, commented. “Wonder how many laws our favorite patrol cop will break to get here?”

That set off another round of laughter.

Del grabbed her cell phone and called Josh. “I need you to pick me up, honey. Grace thinks I’m in labor.” She rolled her eyes. “I don’t need an ambulance, Josh. Grace is right here and we’re only ten minutes from the hospital. I won’t move, I promise.”

She slid her phone away, her laughter dissolving into a groan. “Oh, man. You didn’t tell me how much labor hurts, Ivy.”

“Because it was worth every minute of the pain I endured. Savannah is the joy of our lives. You won’t care about the labor when you hold your baby in your arms for the first time.”

Instead of spending a sleepless night being anxious about her wedding, Delilah spent the rest of the evening and the early hours of the morning in a waiting room full of anxious operatives and their wives along with Josh’s sisters, Serena, Madison, and Megan, and their husbands and Josh’s parents, Aaron and Liz, waiting for word on Del and the baby.

At four o’clock, Josh walked into the waiting room, a blank look on his face.

Delilah gripped Matt’s hand. Had something gone wrong?