Page 114 of Under Fire

She shook her head. “They were more interested in hunting me like an animal. Shane said the person found me first could do anything he wanted with me. If you hadn’t arrived when you did, Donovan would have raped me. He didn’t have the chance. Your timing was perfect.”

Relief swept through him like a tidal wave. He dropped a light kiss on her mouth before stepping back. He tugged off his t-shirt and helped her slip it on. He still wore his bulletproof vest with a t-shirt underneath.

Over the comm system, Matt’s team leader said, “Norris is down. Report, Matt.”

Matt activated his mic. “Copy. Bring Norris to the rendezvous point. Lisa, Shane, and Donovan Cain are down. I have Delilah.”

“Copy that. Let me know if you need assistance. Russell is waiting for us, then he’ll do cleanup. See you at the rendezvous point.”

Matt’s attention locked on the love of his life. “Let’s get out of here. The cops are at the perimeter, waiting to pick up the garbage.”


Matt kept a close eye on Delilah as they walked toward the perimeter the Harmony cops had established. The adrenaline rush was ebbing and she stumbled more than once. Finally, he stopped, scooped her into his arms, and set off for the rendezvous point again.

“I can walk,” she protested.

“You can,” he agreed. “I need to hold you, Delilah. I thought I would be too late.” A true statement though his motivation was to give her body time to recuperate before Detective Russell began his interrogation.

Arms wrapped around his neck, Delilah relaxed against him. “I knew you would find me.”

He squeezed her tighter for a moment. “Rest while you can. Russell will have questions for you.”

“Cain was one of the men who broke into my house.”

“He’s the one who hit you?”

She nodded.

Matt regretted not killing the thug who hurt his woman. “Did he say who the second person was?”

“No. That’s a job for Detective Russell. Matt, I must be heavy. Put me down.”

“I’m enjoying myself. Relax and let me do what I want.” He waited a few minutes after she’d settled against him again before broaching a new subject. “How soon will you marry me?”

Delilah laughed. “As soon as I find a dress. If I find what I want, we can get married the day after we return to Otter Creek.”

Oh, yeah. He liked that plan. “Do you want a big wedding?” A major social event would be impossible to pull off in a super short time frame.

She shook her head. “I want Sasha and Cade in the wedding. I’m sure we can find her a dress.”

“What about the reception?”

“I’ll call Zoe tonight. She’ll have suggestions. Will you talk to Marcus about performing the ceremony?”

He smiled. “I’ll call him when we return to the hotel. He’ll be happy to accommodate us. When do you want to go home?”

“As soon as we get out of these woods, but I think the Harmony police might have something to say about that plan.”

He glanced down at her. “We’ll be making trips back and forth to Harmony for months to give statements, be interviewed multiple times, and testify in the trials of the foursome.”

“I wonder who killed Mom and Randy.”

“We’ll find out.”

She lapsed into silence as he continued to stride toward the perimeter and his teammates. When he broke into the clearing where Bravo waited with a cursing Norris, Russell and a uniformed cop. His teammates straightened, their gazes locked on Delilah.

“She okay?” Cade asked.