“It’s Delilah,” she murmured, worried one of the other hunters was in the area.
“Are you okay?”
Not even close. “Lisa Walters kidnapped me at gunpoint and forced me to drive into a heavily wooded area. Shane, Sebastian, and Donovan Cain along with Lisa turned me loose in the woods and they’re hunting me. I knocked out Lisa and took her phone. I don’t know where I am, Matt. I’m somewhere off Highway 122.”
“You’re on Shane’s property. Leave the phone on. I’ll find you. I’m entering the woods now and the rest of Bravo is five minutes out.”
“Do I keep moving?”
“Are you in a secure location?”
“Not really. I’m in a thick stand of trees. I got lucky that Lisa found me first. I wouldn’t have been able to knock out one of the men.”
“Don’t short-change yourself, sweetheart. Find a more secure place to hide. Look for a rock formation or a cave. If you go into the cave, stay out of sight near the mouth so I don’t lose your signal.”
Oh, man. Delilah hoped the big rock formation she was using as a guide was closer than it appeared. She didn’t want to take shelter in a cave unless absolutely necessary. “Okay.”
“Be as quiet as you can and stay aware of your surroundings. Listen to your instincts, Delilah. Once you find shelter, stay put. No matter what you hear, stay hidden. Come out of hiding only for me or one of Bravo. I’m going radio silent. Leave our phone connection open. I’ll be here if you need me.”
Delilah slid the phone into her jeans pocket and continued toward the rocks. She pushed herself to move faster despite pain in her ribs and a stitch in her side.
Somewhere behind her, a shout of pain cut off in mid-scream. Delilah spun, afraid for Matt. No. She made herself continue forward. Matt or his teammates would find her. Making herself more of a target by backtracking into the woods would endanger Matt and the rest of Bravo. If she was safe, they could focus on Shane and his friends.
Delilah pushed harder to reach the rocks. A few more yards and she could rest. At the edge of the clearing, she paused and glanced around. Twenty yards of open ground between her and the rock formation on the hillside. Might as well be 1,000 yards. The open space made her uneasy. Worse, those invisible spiders were racing over her skin now.
She didn’t have a choice. Her safety was paramount. With her hand gripping the stick, Delilah moved into the clearing and headed for the rocks. Fifteen feet. Ten. Five.
“Uh uh. Not so fast, Delicious Delilah,” a masculine voice drawled.
Delilah froze.
“Turn around and drop the stick.”
After letting the stick fall from her hand, she spun to face Donovan Cain. The supreme satisfaction and unholy glee in his face and gaze made Delilah’s stomach churn.
Donovan set aside his rifle. “You’re mine now. My beautiful, sexy prize.” His gaze drifted over Delilah. “I’ve looked forward to getting my hands on you again.”
Again? A horrible certainty filled her. “You broke into my house in Otter Creek.”
He flashed a smile at her. “Very good. Beautiful and smart.”
“Who helped you?”
“The Randolphs.”
“Shane asked you to kidnap me, didn’t he?”
“Kidnap you?” Donovan’s laughter ratcheted Delilah’s terror to another level. “Oh, no, baby. Not kidnap. The plan was to spend some very private time doing whatever I wanted with you, then kill you. But you messed up my plan. You’ll pay for that before I’m finished with you.” He moved toward her.
Delilah ran. Before she’d gone ten feet, a heavy weight crashed into her back and took her to the ground. Agonizing pain in her ribs stole Delilah’s breath and stunned her into immobility.
Donovan’s hard hands flipped Delilah to face him. One large hand clamped around her throat, squeezing slightly in a silent warning to remain still. The other hand grabbed Delilah’s shirt and tore it from her body.
“No!” Delilah struggled to break his hold on her throat, her nails digging into the back of his hand as she clawed at him.
“No woman tells me no,” he growled. “But I love it when they fight.” Donovan backhanded her, then reached for the button of her jeans.