“Capturing you and making off with the prize before your stupid boyfriend figures out where you are.” He smirked. “Shouldn’t be hard. He doesn’t have a clue where you went.”
“And when he does find me?”
The smile widened. “Oh, I hope he does. Sebastian and I have a bet going as to who will kill the not-so-super soldier.”
A snort from Sebastian. “Should be easy pickings. He patches injuries.”
Shane swung his gaze back to Delilah. “Time to run, Dee.”
She stared. “Run?”
Shane lifted his rifle to his shoulder and pointed the muzzle at her. “To be fair, I’ll give you a twenty-minute head start. Run as fast as you can, Little Cuz, because we’re coming for you. Run!”
Delilah spun on her heel and sprinted for the tree line.
Matt ran from the lawyer’s office to his SUV. Inside, he called Zane. “I need help,” he said as soon as his friend picked up.
“Talk to me.”
“Delilah’s been kidnapped.”
“Want me to ping her phone?”
“She was forced to leave the phone behind. I have it with me. I think Delilah was taken by Lisa Walters, Shannon’s assistant, because she disappeared as well and isn’t answering calls. I don’t care how many laws you have to break. Find Lisa.”
“Do you have her cell phone number?”
Matt told him the number and waited impatiently while Z worked his magic.
“Sorry, Matt. The phone is off. I can’t track her that way. What does she drive?”
“Silver Lexus SUV. It looks like last year’s model.”
“Excellent. I’ll need a few minutes to locate the vehicle. In the meantime, one of the geeks will check traffic cams in the area. We’ll start you in the right direction and cut down on some time. Do you have your gear?”
“Of course.”
“Find somewhere safe to gear up. Want me to call Bravo and alert them?”
Matt cranked the engine and backed away from the curb. “I’ll take care of it. Hurry, Zane. Someone wants Delilah dead and I don’t know how long they’ll keep her alive.”
“Copy that. I’ll update you in five minutes.” Zane ended the call as Matt raced out of town.
Once he reached an abandoned building at the edge of town, Matt parked behind the structure, opened his Go bag, and suited up. That done, he climbed back into his vehicle and called Trent.
“St. Claire.”
“Lisa Walters kidnapped Delilah.”
“Where do we meet?”
“Don’t know yet. Zane’s trying to locate Lisa’s SUV. In the meantime, one of the geeks is checking traffic cams so I’ll have a direction to start.”
“We’re gearing up now. We’ll head for Harmony. When you have coordinates, we’ll decide on a rendezvous point.”
“Get there when you can. I’m not waiting.”