Page 107 of Under Fire

Although she longed to plunge into the thick tree cover, Delilah reminded herself the point was to survive until Matt found her. No matter what it took, she wouldn’t give up. Praying for strength to face whatever challenge awaited her, she opened the door and moved to the front of the vehicle.

Lisa waved at the nearly invisible trail through the tree line with her gun. “That way.”

She walked the trail for nearly fifteen minutes, stumbling and falling a few times over exposed tree roots, before hearing male laughter up ahead. A knot formed in Delilah’s stomach.

When she hesitated at the edge of a clearing, Lisa jabbed the gun into her back.

“Move, Delilah. We don’t want to keep your date with destiny waiting, do we?” When Delilah stood frozen in place, Lisa shoved her forward.

Stumbling, she fell to her hands and knees, her hair swinging forward to block her view. The fall jarred her cracked ribs, stealing her breath and bringing tears to her eyes. Delilah remained still, taking shallow breaths while the pain subsided. Thank goodness Matt had taped her ribs. Otherwise, the pain would have been debilitating.

Three pair of hunting boots appeared in her field of vision.

“Just what I like to see,” one male voice drawled. “A woman on her knees.”

“I paid good money for this,” a second male said, tone sharp and angry. “Don’t tell me she doesn’t have any spine.”

“You disappoint me, Dee. I expected more fight from you.”

Ice water ran through Delilah’s veins as she raised her head. Before her stood Sebastian Norris, Donovan Cain, and her cousin, Shane. All three were dressed in fatigues and boots and carried rifles with scopes.

“Do you have my gear?” Lisa asked.

Shane inclined his head toward the duffel bag several feet away. “Go change, baby. We’ll wait until you’re ready.” He turned back to Delilah, his eyes glittering with excitement. “Unless Little Cuz gives us trouble. You won’t do that, will you?”

While Lisa grabbed the bag and disappeared into the trees, Delilah rose, grateful the pain in her ribs had eased. “What’s going on, Shane?”

“Protecting what’s mine.”

“The money?”

An ugly smile curved his mouth. “That’s a side benefit. I’m protecting my woman just like your boyfriend claims he’ll do for you. He’s not doing such a great job at that, by the way. You were easy pickings.” He chuckled. “So much for his extraordinary training. He let a simple hunting guide steal you from right under his nose.”

“Lisa stole money from Mom’s accounts?”

“She’s a smart woman. Knows all about burying money trails. We have a good nest egg. All that money Aunt Michelle was kind enough to hand over to me every month has gone into accounts overseas.”

“You must have made good money with your hunting business. Why would you jeopardize everything you’ve worked for?”

“I can set up my business elsewhere. By the time anyone knows we’re gone, Michelle’s money will be in my accounts. I won’t ever have to wonder where the next dime is coming from. I’ll be able to do whatever I want. Oh, I have big plans, Dee. None of them include handing over that money to you.”

“I thought you were doing this for Lisa. Sounds to me like you’re planning to take the money for yourself.”

“We love each other,” Lisa said as she left the tree line. She, too, was dressed in hunting fatigues, boots, and a rifle with a scope. “We’re lovers and partners. I protect him and he protects me. Mates for life.” She grinned as she tossed the duffel bag aside.

“Can we get on with this?” Donovan Cain said, his gaze sweeping over Delilah. “I want my chance at this one.”

“She’s mine,” Sebastian Norris snapped. “I called dibs on her in high school.”

Delilah’s stomach lurched as memories from those horrible minutes in the bathroom assailed her.

“My rules.” Shane scowled at both men. “Whoever finds her first can do what they want with her.”

Oh, man. That didn’t sound good, especially not considering the gleam in Donovan and Sebastian’s eyes. She needed an escape plan. Fast. “You don’t want to do this, Shane.” A pack of people dressed in hunting gear and carrying rifles told her these creeps were planning to hunt and she was the prey. “Matt knows I’m gone.”

“That’s what I’m counting on. Makes the game more challenging.”

“What’s the game?”