“Hunt him down and look at him. When you do, remind Norris that I’m watching him.”
“Why do you have it out for him? I can’t say I like the man, but I don’t understand your animosity toward someone you just met.”
Beside Matt, Delilah stiffened. Much as he longed to tell the detective the truth, he didn’t want to break a confidence. “He was one of a pack of boys who bullied Delilah in school.”
“So, you’re waging psychological warfare.” The corner of Russell’s lips curled upward. “I like it. Think the tactic will work?”
“For his sake, it better.”
“I heard from the arson investigator right after you called. I’m sorry, Ms. Frost. The house is a total loss and he confirmed a bomb started the fire.”
“I’m not surprised. The house was engulfed in flames when Matt and I left yesterday.”
Matt rubbed Delilah’s back. “You ready to kick Randy loose, Russell?”
“Oh, yeah. He’s been making a nuisance of himself, whining about the injustice of being brought into the station and mistreated by officers with no respect for authority.”
Matt rolled his eyes.
“Sounds like him,” Delilah said. “We’ll take him to his girlfriend’s place and get him out of your hair.”
“You’ll earn the thanks of every officer on Harmony’s police force,” he muttered. Russell strode away and returned ten minutes later with Randy Holloway dogging his steps, lips flapping as he groused.
“Zip it, Holloway.” Matt slid his arm around Delilah’s shoulders.
“What are you doing here?”
“Giving you a ride. Let’s go unless you want to walk to your girlfriend’s place.”
“What’s the hurry?” Randy lumbered after them, his breath coming in puffs by the time they reached the lobby door.
“We have plans.”
“In a rush to spend all my wife’s money, Dee?” was the bitter response from Delilah’s stepfather.
As soon as they were clear of the police station lobby, Matt spun around to face him. “Do you remember what I told you at the hospital, Randy?”
The man stumbled back a couple steps. “Sorry,” he muttered although it was obvious he wasn’t the least bit sorry.
“Don’t insult her again.” Matt inclined his head toward his black SUV. “That’s my ride. You walking or riding to your girlfriend’s place?”
Another glare at Matt and Delilah, but Randy kept his mouth shut and walked to the vehicle, giving Matt a wide berth.
Smart man. After helping his future wife into the shotgun seat, Matt climbed behind the wheel and cranked the engine. “Where to, Holloway?”
“258 Tulip Grove Road.”
“Take a right on Main,” Delilah said. “Tulip Grove Road is about five miles away. You’ll turn left into the Tulip Grove Estates.”
With a nod, Matt drove from the police station parking lot.
“What are you planning to do with the money?” Randy asked Delilah from the backseat.
“I don’t know yet.”
“I’ve been thinking.”
Matt’s eyes narrowed. This ought to be good.