Page 64 of Under Fire

“Not from me. But someone is determined to hurt Delilah. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that she’s handed the responsibility for her mother’s estate the same week that she becomes a target. If you’re not careful, you might become one as well.”


Matt watched the old lawyer swallow hard. Shannon had to know the money might be the source of Delilah’s problems. The violent response to Michelle’s will was evidence emotions ran hot. “You’re positive you don’t have anything to tell me, Mr. Shannon?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I know nothing about the attacks on your girlfriend.”

“If you think of anything, no matter how small, tell me. Do you have Delilah’s papers ready to sign?”

With a frown, Shannon opened the manila folder on his desk. He turned the document around and slid the paper toward Delilah with a pen. “Sign on the bottom, please.”

After she signed her name, the lawyer picked up the paper and left the office.

“Nothing like alienating the one person who was glad to see me when I arrived in town.”

Matt raised Delilah’s hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “Better to let him know he hasn’t escaped my attention as a suspect. If he’s our man, we’ll find the evidence and turn him over to the cops.”

“What if he comes after us before that happens?”

“I’ll take care of him. No one harms what’s mine.”

Shannon returned with an envelope. “Two copies of the signed document, checks for your mother’s main account, account information for the rest of the accounts and investments, and a debit card. Take one of the copies to the bank so they’ll know you’re taking over the accounts.”

“One question,” Delilah said as she accepted the envelope. “Does the will stipulate how I pay the allotted money to my family?”

He shook his head.

“What about the timing of the payments? Would it be legal to pay the five years of allotments at one time?”

His eyebrows rose. “I see no reason why you can’t. Are you sure you want to? They haven’t proved themselves as competent money managers.”

“If one of them is responsible for the attempts on my life, I’d rather give Matt and his friends time to identify the culprit.” She smiled. “And they will identify the man responsible.”

Shannon tossed Matt a look of derision. “You have much faith in a man who hasn’t managed to find answers to this point. Perhaps your faith is misguided, Ms. Frost.”

“You don’t know the resources at Matt’s disposal. Fortress never gives up on a mission. These men don’t fail. In this case, the mission is personal.”

“What difference does that make?” Shannon looked perplexed.

“It means I’m invested in her protection and more dangerous than you can imagine.” Matt rose and extended his hand to Delilah. “Expect a forensic accountant to contact your office shortly. You will provide total access to Michelle Holloway’s financial records.”

The lawyer stiffened. “Are you insinuating I stole money from Mrs. Holloway?”

“Someone is desperate to keep Delilah from fulfilling her responsibilities.”

“Perhaps the problem stems from her new home. After all, Ms. Frost hasn’t lived in Harmony for years.”

“I’m looking into that as well. If you’ve done nothing wrong, you should have no problem giving full access to the accountant.”

The old man lifted his chin. “I’ll need the accountant’s name before I turn over that volume of sensitive information to him.”

Matt smiled. “Her name is Kira Brody. Expect to hear from her within the hour.”

“Very well.” He turned his gaze to Delilah. “I assume you’re in favor of this ridiculous waste of time. If you need anything else, feel free to contact me. Good day to you both.”

As dismissals went, this one was civil if cold. Matt escorted Delilah from the office and onto the street. “The police station is two blocks away. Drive or walk?”

“Walk. The weather’s perfect and I haven’t exercised for days.”